Ana Casares Follow your dreams. sport and mindfulness

Ana Casares.  Follow your dreams

Ana Casares is a professional triathlete and also a mother of three children. Degree in Physical Education, superior athletic trainer and coursing 3rd Triathlon and Psychology. It is also a personal trainer, a task that plays through the brand AC Training. ambitious woman, in sports and in life …


So Ana Casares Polo begins his curriculm on its website I encourage you to visit.


Some say that this living, working, living and doing through social networks is something cold and distant wrong. I have to tell you that today, September 2015, not personally know Ana (hopefully soon upload a photo together), but that feel like a close friend of friendship, challenges and dreams.

I discovered Ana Casares by chance through Plenacción and the first thing I did was buy his book and read it to me with a jerk, which I strongly recommend, because I know you’ll love found, as happened to me, a kind woman simple, close, strong, full of dreams, challenges and a precious family -By the way, I love the phrase that appears on your web “while everyone is asleep, Mama dreams” ) and like any self – respecting human being, too he has lived pains and joys, but always with the challenge of overcoming goals and objectives, dreams and commitments.

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With an excellent record in his (humble and late runner follows his advice to the letter) sport, Ana Casares is building his life taking the reins without flinching and as Plenacción is open to meet people who like Anna, we they teach that the extraordinary lies in everyday things , because I asked her to tell us something and she completely ready despite not stop doing things and their training, has left us this motivational text.

Ana thanks for your example and your kindness. That said, we will know soon.

Ana Casares

Find your dream (Ana Casares).

Pedaling comfortable. an idea crosses my head. I’m going to do an Ironman! Am I crazy ?. An Ironman is a long triathlon. It consists of swimming 3,800 meters, cycling 180 kilometers and run 42. It is smooth and free training when they flow dreams. In moments of calm and inner peace. And, why not go for them ?. Sometimes they appear when I make a cake walk in the park or while watching my kids play. No matter when or where. The important thing is be careful, letting them flow, and adopt the attitude of pursuit. In my case dominated sports dreams.

If you are someone who needs to move almost daily you can happen to you the same. But it is not necessary. Personal arise, labor challenges, and all are valid as we lead the way to happiness. Now one of my dreams is to finish the race of Psychology before turning 50. And I would love my children to see me study and go to college. It is my challenge.

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I encourage you to reflect and make this pair of questions: Do you spend time thinking about your dreams ?, You know what ?.

If your day is too busy, take a break, look lulls. It takes time to do something you like. That where the minutes fly by. That’s where you focus your attention. There begins the path to your dreams. Once you have your dream or challenge, you will see that helps you center the day, to better organize the time and the way of your life. It will become a source of motivation. It is a great antidote to overcome laziness that appears many times.


-Look moments of tranquility and connect with you. They will be born dreams.

-Déjales grow and mature.

-Avanza the way of your emotions

-Gestiónalas positive

-Feel the support of those around you

‘Let them dream too

-no lose sight of your dreams

-Recuérdalos every day

-Aprovéchalos to motivate you in difficult situations

Ana Casares.

Ana’s website:

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