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Soupta Baddha Konasana with Bolsterom

Soupta Baddha Konasana with Bolsterom 3

This asana
is a variation Baddha Konasana performed in the supine position. It is particularly useful for women because improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, reducing pain and cramps during menstruation, calms the nervous system and tones up the urinary system.

performance technique

  1. Bolster place along the rug.
  2. Sit on your buttocks back to Bolster.
  3. Point the tailbone down to the buttocks.
  4. Lie on your back so that the head and spine were lying on the Bolster and pelvis – on the floor.
  5. Connect the foot and try to keep them as close as possible to the pelvis. If this is difficult to do, use the belts.
  6. Hands are placed over the head.
  7. Under your knees can put a wooden block or folded blanket.
  8. Under the head can put a blanket.
  9. Relax and breathe calmly.
  10. Stay in the pose for 5-10 minutes.


  • Improves blood circulation in the pelvic region
  • Relax internal organs
  • It calms the nervous system
  • Alleviated pain during menstruation


  • knee injury

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