Unconditional love? I saw it difficult, but I have clarified With this story. – MindYoga4U


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear these words of “unconditional love”? Perhaps eternal love, love above all things, love unconditionally.

Love without expecting them to love you. Love without attachments. I love without fear.

The tale white stone and smooth

Imagine that you found a stone that has caught your attention, and you’ve brought home. It’s there with you, every day. Observe it, you feel its presence. They even serves as an element to concentrate or meditate. Love her, is a stone that has been with you for a while, which has served you for help, you have learned with her … And one day suddenly can not find it. I find it strange, because I had time on the same site. But your life goes. you never to stone you demanded to stay with you forever. While in your way, you loved without expecting anything in return (you’re not crazy enough to expect a stone love you????). Today is not and will not feel afraid if someone took and have at home (by the way, now that you think, until that idea looks like good, maybe he is as useful as it has been to you). The stone is not, but not why you stopped loving her.

In fact, one day, after a couple of weeks, the stone appears … I was there! It was always, only not because you saw that day had fallen cleaned up, and was in the corner of the couch. His reappearance makes you happy, of course! You sit in front of it and meditate in form, in color. take it in your hands and feel your touch, is a smooth, white, round stone, like the ones on some beaches …

The stone
The stone

The center of your life was not the stone, the center of your life is you. You love yourself, you told me as a friend, is the same as loving God (or the Universe or Mother Nature, whatever you call it ), because we are the same, we are one.

You have not built your life putting the stone in the foundation.
If you remove it , your house does not collapse. It is true that at first you wearing a little sad, it’s normal. Stone made you grow, you helped to meditate. But you realize that his disappearance has also made you grow. It is part of the way of your evolution, accept that fact. And one day the stone appeared again. Well, welcome it! You realize that you are still things to share with her, still can continue to grow at his side, while …

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See also 

Now start reading again from the beginning. And remove the word stone, and put the name of your partner, your mother, father, brother / sister, son / daughter, friend / a, your job, your possessions, your social status there …

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Normally when we love someone we attach ourselves, we feel afraid and want to be with us forever, or at least until we ourselves decide otherwise. And if one day you go, as we sink into suffering, we limit the quality of our life and our love. We do not love unconditionally, but conditioned by what we expect and even demand from the other party. Therefore, we suffer and do not fully live. The same happens when we “lose” or we can not have the job you want, the car that we like, the kind of life we ​​think we deserve. We spent the existence depending on someone or something outside us to be happy. We love nothing more than a means, not only to others but to ourselves.

But, as in the story, we can love unconditionally, as Amariah the stone without waiting she loves you, and knowing that while you love, even if you like, but you want it always was in your life, it is NOT part of the foundations of your life: when he appeared, and your life was . Since your birth, it was fully equipped with everything needed to live. Else is added unto you as it comes, one day can go. Know and accept it is to practice unconditional love, that gives us true happiness, which does not depend on anything external, but the great spiritual potential in all of us.

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What if you experience it, if you try at least? Maybe not something we can propose to us, perhaps simply has to emerge, to flow. But know that you can, leading the process but really you can love unconditionally … know can be an inspiration to you.

