A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Useful TV channels about yoga

In this article, we want to tell you about an interesting telegrams channels of yoga:

1. YogaSecrets

The channel of the magazine YogaSecrets.ru.
A lot of useful information from the world of yoga and not only. Weekly published posts about yoga, pranayama, longevity, yogaterapiyu, nutrition and beauty.

2. Traditional Yoga

Channel Author – Mary Lee, a teacher of traditional yoga.
’24 personal practice.

3. Yoga “OM”

Channel for those who choose to practice yoga independently.

4. Yoga.
Esoterics. Personal development. Yoga4Soul

On our channel you will find many interesting articles on yoga, self-development, personal growth, Ayurveda, spirituality, and all about health and nutrition.

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