
The term comes from “nala” umbilical cord and “nali”, the wave. On an empty stomach, stand upright, put your hands on your thighs inwards and make a deep breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth, bend your knees slightly, arch your back and lean forward with your chin glued to your chest. Tuck your stomach and mount the diaphragm. Hold the position in apnea for 10 to 20 seconds. Rise yourself by inspiring. Repeat 5 to 6 times each morning.

Four yoga exercises to boost your energy in the morning

The benefits:  by compressing the belly, the second brain , it boosts the secretion of serotonin (the hormone that regulates the mood), it stimulates the pancreas which regulates the fats and the rate of sugar in the blood and  the transit is facilitated which improves intestinal comfort. Finally, by raising the diaphragm into the lungs, we flush the stale air and re-oxygenate the brain and the body.

Watch a demonstration of the exercise on Samuel Ganes’ YouTube channel.


Every morning when you wake up and before breakfast , brush your teeth, your tongue and your throat, to get rid of the bacteria in your mouth during the night’s sleep. To avoid the minty taste of traditional toothpastes, opt for more natural methods with a less pronounced taste, such as coconut or sesame – antibacterial  – or aloe vera oils  .

The benefits:  by removing bacteria from the mouth, it prevents digestive discomfort.

Kapala bhati

The term comes from “kapala”, the skull and “bhati”, the cleansing. Standing, straight back and neck stretched, inhale deeply through the nose, then exhale several times sharply, only with the diaphragm. Release everything and make the big belly. Every morning try to make at least 20 expirations. Then increase after several weeks.

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The benefits: as for the first exercise, it allows to re-oxygenate the body and the brain, chasing the stale air of the lungs. It also tones the body as soon as you wake up. By making these sudden movements, the diaphragm also stimulates the production of bile in the stomach, improving digestive comfort. Finally expirations increase the temperature of the body, which helps to wake him up .

Bhra husband

Literally, this is the breath of the bee. Place the thumbs on the tragus of the ears and plug them. Your fingers rest on the eyes, closed. Inhale deeply with the nose then exhale through the nose making a sound, close to that of the bee. To repeat 5 to 10 times.

The benefits: we create a vibration behind the nose, at the level of the glottis, we dilate the sinuses and nostrils, we woke up the ENT area.