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12 Amazing Facts About Transcendental Meditation Mantras ( Updated January 2022)

12 Amazing Facts About Transcendental Meditation Mantras ( Updated January 2022) 1
Transcendental meditation is aimed at understanding the higher spiritual experience by means of special vedic meditation mantras. Regular exercise helps to relax the whole body, improve breathing and learn to disperse personal consciousness.
About half a century ago in the world of Vedic practices a new tradition appeared that won today a million audience.
Throughout the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, the mind goes beyond spontaneously, surpassing the mental activity of the waking state to a single state of Consciousness at rest.
This is called Transcendental Consciousness & a 4th State of Consciousness rather than dream, wakefulness or proposed sleep.
This simple meditation includes using a vedic meditation mantra which has a harmonising impact on the body and mind, producing a much deeper relaxation and quieter activity of the mind.
As the much deeper levels of the mind are more focused with energy, imagination and intelligence, their awareness ends up being instilled with these qualities as the practitioner experiences the inner depths of consciousness.

About the creator of Vedic Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi-Founder of Transcendental Meditation Mantras
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi-Founder of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

The founder of this direction is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (born Mahesh Prasad Varma) in 1955. Transcendental meditation and techniques for getting rid of unnecessary thoughts were possible due to his knowledge and wisdom.

From his youth, the guru of Vedic practices was fond of spiritual enlightenment and studied the scriptures with treatises. He successfully graduated, focusing on physical science, and decided to become a true disciple of the master of meditation and yoga.

Such a guru was for Maharishi a man named Dev Brahmanda Saraswati. He served as a young man until the death of his mentor, after which Maharishi began reading public lectures.

At about the same time, the books of the spiritual master began to appear about the method of relaxation of mind and body, as well as the essence of ancient Indian scriptures. The vedic transcendental meditation mantras of Maharishi Mahesh spread in a wide circle of people in 1957.

Maharishi has actually customized these Sanskrit vedic mantras for meditation in a particular method such that they are really simple to know. By this adjustment the mantras of vedic meditation likewise have a really unique quality: they have the particular quality to be believed and experienced at finer levels extremely quickly in contrast to the initial Sanskrit variations and likewise in contrast to other ideas or objects of meditation. It is his genius and achievement that he found and established this.

Today, the International Maharishi University functions successfully, where you can listen to a course of lectures based on the stories of the gurus who died in 2008. According to the latest data, with the advent of the 21st century, more than 5 million people from all over the world have already learned the vedic transcendental meditation mantra technique.

What is transcendental meditation mantra? The Vedic Mantras for Meditation

Transcendental meditation refers to easy relaxation techniques, its results are visible after several sessions. It is enough to give this procedure for 15-20 minutes twice a day, taking a comfortable sitting position and closing your eyes.

An individual practices Transcendental Meditation by sitting silently, and mentally repeating a “mantra”, of syllables or names thought to be holy or sacred in Hinduism.

In Transcendental Meditation, the sounds are utilized simply as sounds independent of any associated significances in any language. Practicing meditation assists an individual to feel relaxed, and to focus on crucial things.

The basic concept of this practice is individual vedic meditation mantras. This is a special sound, selected for a specific person in the process of his training.

The fact is that a person must focus on the spoken syllable all session, and this quickly tires the brain. Therefore, the main way for general inhibition of the body and relaxation, as transcendental meditation describes, is mantras. If the practitioner does not have it, you can use the universal mantra – the syllable “OM”.

transcendental meditation mantras pronunciation- vedic meditation mantras
TM mantra pronunciation- Vedic Meditation Mantras

Most of the sounds used are bija-mantras taken from the Rig-Veda. They do not possess a sacred meaning and do not create a religious movement from transcendental meditation.

During practice, the disappearance of thoughts. At the stage of slow falling asleep it is worth stopping to pronounce the mantras to get a charge of real cosmic energy.

The training courses for this meditation are quite easy and short, because physical characteristics are not important in them. In addition, you can learn to conduct sessions not only at home, but also in noisy places.

The process of initiation

Learning transcendental meditations is a regular process, the results of practices directly depend on its accuracy. At the same time, there are a number of definite steps for understanding the technique.

  • First, there are two informative-motivational lectures that tell about the principles of this practice and its result.
  • The master must necessarily conduct a rite of gratitude to the teachers. The Puja ceremony is performed in Sanskrit. It is accompanied by flowers, aromatic candles and chopsticks. This process is a tradition of many centuries.
  • Then there is a small personal interview, in which the student learns the mantra. It is not aimed at the development of mystical forces, but it is still not recommended to tell anyone.
  • The initial lesson for individual study of meditation is the same day and lasts just over an hour. On it, a person receives detailed instructions and begins to get used to the personal mantra, in order to practice the technique on his own.
  • Then there are several lessons on different days. They last for 1.5 hours. They can be asked questions and solved the problems that occurred during the meditation so that later mistakes during the sessions of the house were no longer there.
  • After the training you can attend group lessons and in-depth lectures.

Cyclic stages of vedic meditation

  1. Deep relaxation. First, the practitioner realizes the reality and feels peace. After the session, he has already accumulated strength and feels rested. This stage marks the beginning of the training, but then repeats itself as it progresses in the transcendental techniques.
  2. Thought stream. After a certain time, the meditator appears during the rest a whole wave of sensations and internal images. These feelings include a variety of concerns, doubts, memories of problems and ongoing conflicts.
  3. “Knockout” or “Extraction”. In such a case, there are two options for developing a flow with thoughts. In the second case, a person feels very bad, as if in delirium. He loses understanding of time and gets confused in his reflections. After the session his coordination was broken. In the case of “knockout”, the meditator comes to his senses, but does not remember anything about practice. It seems to him that time ran rather quickly. Both of these scenarios are nothing but an attempt to accumulate tension to come out of the unconscious.

Features of transcendental meditation mantras

All the basic sounds in transcendental meditations are selected individually for maximum relaxation. The difference from many practices is that you do not need to concentrate on words. It is in the essence of the vedic meditation mantras that the term “transcendental” is understood.

It is about going beyond the boundaries of your thinking and, naturally, beyond the lines of vibrations and pulses of sound. Mantras for transcendental meditation exist only in the mind of a person, i.e. they are not spoken out loud.

It is believed that the loud syllables interfere with consolation of consciousness.

A simple list of sounds has no value in this practice, because they still need to be able to use correctly. Transcendental meditation distinguishes vedic meditation mantras by age.

This means that a particular sound depends on the state of the person at the current moment and its number of years. Also of great importance, according to the teachings of Maharishi, are the sex of the meditator and the specific course visited by the teacher himself, as well as the date of his graduation.

Additional programs

Transcendental meditation is a technique of independent relaxation with the help of a selected mantra. But even in this direction there are advanced courses and some meditation techniques that facilitate the process of relaxation.

How to do transcendental meditation
Transcendental Meditation Resets the Brain

Transcendental Meditation Sidhi

This type of complementary practice is built on Yoga Sutras. It is a repetition of a few short phrases, i.e. sutras, in their native language. The pronunciation interval is 15 seconds, with an even number of replicas increasing.

The meditator repeats the phrase 2, 4, 6 times and listens as she responds within him. Then you can move on to the next sutra.

Block “Flight”

This is directly the next stage of TM-Sidhi. It is necessary to play the same “flight” sutra every 15 seconds. She leads a person into a state of catharsis, which outwardly resembles the flight of yogis, similar to jumping. The neurophysiological effect consists in a positive coherence of the brain, in other words, in increasing its activity.

Jumping in the position of lotus in some gifted students can be a whole meter in height. However, this is the main element of this program, since its purpose is to teach a person to discharge a lot of repressed impulses of the unconscious type at a time.

Advanced Technology

In this case, we are talking about the expansion of personal mantras. Additional sounds are added to them, but meditation itself proceeds exactly the same way. New phrases accelerate the process of relaxation and make the practice deeper, affecting many problems in the psyche.

As the long experience of teachers shows, advanced mantras usually include syllables “shri” and “namah” with varying repetition rates.

How to do transcendental meditation mantras at home?

Transcendental meditation allows you to independently carry out relaxation techniques after the training course. It is best to do this in the morning and evening.

  • Arrange a place for meditation by choosing a comfortable chair or rug and turning on relaxing music. Most often it is advised to choose the harmonious melodies “Gandharva Veda”, as well as the hymns “Sama-Veda” and “Rig-Vedas”.
  • Sit down so that the body is comfortable to be in one position. Perfect is considered asanas in Turkish, but you can choose and a simple pose in the chair. The main thing – keep your back straight.
  • Close your eyes and try to relax, getting rid of unnecessary thoughts. The room should not have annoying factors, like sharp sounds or curious witnesses.
  • Turn to your breathing. It does not need to be monitored or evaluated. Do not listen to the breaths and exhalations, but just watch them from the side. Continue to drive away unnecessary thoughts.
  • When the body’s condition looks like sleepy, you need to continue to be aware of what is happening around and feel a little coolness in your hands and on the back of your neck. Watch your feelings and trust the inner silence.
  • Feel a warm wave emanating from the top of the head. After the next complete exhalation for a couple of moments, hold your breath. Taking a breath, imagine that the energy flow, i.e. prana, fills your body and accumulates in the solar plexus area.
  • On the next exhalation, you should say the mantra to yourself. The focus is on the prana cluster, and then moves to the chest or top of the head. Coping with new thoughts will help focusing on the characteristics of sound or on the movement of energy.
  • The way out of meditation is slow, first opening the eyelids. Change the position of the body in the same second is not worth it, it is better to feel all your muscles at a time.

Useful recommendations of the Vedic Meditation Mantras

  1. Meditation should be considered as a full-fledged type of recreation. For the session, you need to choose comfortable clothes and create a comfortable environment around yourself.
  2. Practice is most useful after waking up, so that the whole day feels vigorous. After eating, take at least 60 minutes. Evening meditation will be more effective if you make a foot bath in front of it.
  3. Group practices promote active growth, so it is worthwhile to find a company of like-minded people.
  4. Meditations with nature are more effective, because they allow you to feel the union with the Universe faster.
  5. You should not be in the same unchanged position during meditation, if you are uncomfortable. During the session, you can stretch your arms and shoulders.
  6. Lying during transcendental meditations should not be, otherwise falling into a sound sleep will be very simple. For the same reason, the head should not touch anything, and the room should be illuminated.
  7. If the management of thoughts at first is not easy, try to gradually change them, moving from anxious household issues to dreams.
  8. Breathing should always be calm and slow.
  9. The general mantra – the sound of OM – is pronounced as “A-O-U-M”.
  10. Strengthen the effect of meditation will help the technique of literate breathing – pranayama. You can also observe your own pulse, following the Ayurvedic practices.
The effectiveness of transcendental meditation mantras
Performing the Transcendental Meditation Mantra Pose

The effectiveness of vedic transcendental meditation mantras

Transcendental meditation is a technique that differs from many like the medical justification. In the history of this practice, a huge place is given to clinical research and scientific work on the effectiveness of sessions. That is why transcendental relaxation lessons are interesting not only for ordinary people, but also for Hollywood stars. As the long-term work shows, meditation in this way brings the following changes to a person’s life:

  • Relaxes the nervous system of a person and gives a full rest, replacing the 8-10-hour deep sleep.
  • It removes depression and relieves everyday tension.
  • Strengthens vitality and increases energy, replenishes physical strength.
  • Improves the psyche and gives joyful emotions.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure and normalizes biorhythms.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Develops creativity and mental skills.
  • Increases the level of self-esteem and gives decisiveness.
  • Transcendental Meditation mantras helps to abandon many bad habits.

Despite such high results, the main cornerstone, which often suffers from transcendental meditation – reviews. The responses of students often vary radically, describing both the output of the mind to a new level, and the actual dependence, as well as the development of mental disorders. In the light of such opinions, there is a point of view that regards the movement of Maharishi exclusively as a sect. However, very much depends on the choice of the teacher, the appropriate technique and in general psycho-emotional preparation of the person.

Below in the table you can choose a vedic mantra for meditation depending on the age (they are suitable for both women and men). You choose the right one and mentally read it:

Modern scientific methods continue to confirm the effectiveness of this method of relaxation in relation to stress. According to worshipers of transcendental meditation mantras, daily sessions are the real hygiene of the mind, helping to achieve happiness and tranquility.

Restrictions and Contraindications of Transcendental Meditation Mantras

It is important to note that in general, the transcendental meditation of Maharishi Mahesh from yoga has grown. Therefore, she has a number of contraindications associated with the features of the classes.

The following problems are considered dangerous for relaxation sessions:

  • Diagnosis of any psychiatric disorder.
  • The presence of phobias in the performance of practices
  • The presence of religious conflicts.
  • Insufficient intellectual level and lack of inclination towards reflection.

Transcendental meditation does not require an instant and thoughtless immersion in practice. It should be carried out gradually, necessarily under the guidance of a worthy mentor. Only then will the practice of relaxation be really useful for the mind and body.

Mantras in Transcendental Meditation: How Do They Work?

The mantra serves as a’vehicle’ upon which the attention rests lightly and innocently, rather than as a focus for the mind as in other kinds of meditation. This permits the mind to settle into progressively subtle levels of thought, until the mantra itself is transcended and we become silent.
The Transcendental Meditation mantra must have two features in order for this process to take place:

It’s a pointless noise. Using a meaningful term would keep the mind on the superficial, concentrating about the word, and would prevent it from transcending (going beyond) that level.

Its rhythm has a resonance with its origin in the primordial hum (Om) in the silent, joyful level of the mind, causing it to recede in that direction. This draws and charms the mind, which is constantly seeking greater enjoyment, and the mind settles with the mantra towards tranquility.

Where do the mantras for Transcendental Meditation come from?

The mantras employed in Transcendental Meditation are derived from India’s ancient Vedic culture. They are Sanskrit sounds, the closest human approximation of the natural vibrations produced by the dynamism of the undivided field – the field designated by objective contemporary science as the silent source of all creation and by yogis in meditation as the Self – the field of Pure Consciousness.

Some mantras have healing power for specific sections of the body, but Transcendental Meditation mantras are for transcending, which has a massive healing effect for the entire body and mind, among other things.

How do you select a mantra for Transcendental Meditation?

There are millions of Transcendental Meditation mantras, but only a few with proven effectiveness are employed. We select one that is appropriate for you from a list provided by Maharishi using a simple technique that verifies its accuracy.

Can I obtain my mantra from a buddy or anywhere else?

It is critical to obtain the mantra from a highly qualified Transcendental Meditation instructor since they have been given a variety of mantras that have been passed down through thousands of years of teachers.

As a result, both historically and today, the consequences are well recognized to be always good and life-enhancing.

After months of intensive instruction, the teacher receives the mantras and protocols for passing them on, and the pupil is asked not to disclose the mantra or the method by which it is taught with anyone.

This is for the benefit of those who are already meditating (see next question), as well as to maintain the purity of the teaching and ensure that everyone receives complete and correct teachings. This is quite crucial.

There are four critical features of the teaching that assure its effectiveness for you:
1.  Obtaining the perfect mantra.
2.  Understanding how to use it correctly.
3.  Being able to accurately interpret the experiences that follow.
4.  Having the assistance and supervision of a professionally trained teacher for the rest of your life is completely free.

Any one of these elements lacking could result in erroneous practice, a lack of growth, and a full abandonment of meditation, so squandering a rare opportunity to greatly improve your life.

I don’t think I’d be able or want to keep my mantra a secret.

This is a frequent feeling that many get before they begin. After a few TM meditations, though, the mantra becomes very personal to you; it’s the vehicle that permits the attention to plunge within, and the mind learns to identify the mantra with the experience of settling down and enjoying inner calm.

It grows into a treasured and trusted companion. Speaking the mantra loudly, repeating it, or passing it on is bringing the mantra ‘out,’ reversing its natural path — it is useless. Furthermore, the Transcendental Meditation mantras are only effective in context.

Using or saying the mantra without following its simple yet extremely specific instructions and receiving personal supervision from a teacher simply does not work.

Because the method of teaching TM is simple and effective, you will no doubt feel, as others have, that you want your friends and family to learn it in the same simple, effective, and pleasurable manner.

As a result, we find that it is incredibly rare for someone to abuse their mantra in this way, even if they began with the same skepticism as you.

Om, why not?

As previously said, not just any sound will suffice. The impact of various mantras varied. The mantras employed in TM are a collection of ‘householder’ mantras designed to help people experience deep, restful meditation that integrates inner silence and outer activity – deep repose as well as energy and dynamism.

Om has a strong environmental influence that is acceptable when chanted in a group, but when employed as a personal, internal mantra, it is only appropriate for individuals who desire to retire from active existence.

Isn’t it preferable to recite the mantra?

Chanting the mantra will keep the body (mouth, throat, etc.) active, preventing it from sinking into the natural, profound relaxation that TM is known for. Chanting also has the effect of controlling the mind and preventing it from sinking into stillness, which it naturally desires to do.

And modern science has revealed that these quieter, deeper levels of life are significantly more potent than the atomic level. Mantras are similarly more potent when considered rather than chanted, but the greatest power is realized when the mantra is transcended, like in the process of Transcendental Meditation.

What if I choose the incorrect mantra?

How can we be certain that the mantras are effective?

If taught by a certified TM teacher, you cannot obtain a bad mantra, and it will always work because it is a natural process. It is quite rare for someone to believe that the mantra is erroneous, but this is always an indication of inappropriate use – which is readily addressed by their teacher.

Since Maharishi’s resurrection of this ancient knowledge in 1958, these unique Transcendental Meditation mantras have been passed down to millions of people all over the world in this manner.

The technique’s success has been validated by testimonies and a large amount of scientific research in universities all over the world.

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  1. I first found my way into transcendental meditation years ago but drew away from it. Recently I have reintroduced myself to it. Thanks for the information and following my blog.

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