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Uddjayi Pranayama

Uddjayi Pranayama 3

Ujjayi – this Pranayama , which increases endurance, soothes the nerves, toning bodies, ventilate the lungs, helps eliminate phlegm. This unique form of pranayama, during which there is a hissing and whistling sounds in the larynx. Unlike diaphragm breathing, wherein the throat relaxed Ujjayi is directed tension. Diaphragmatic breathing is quiet. During the execution of Ujjayi is a narrowing of the glottis, which leads to the appearance of the hissing sound. When this is done properly, it creates a soft vibration which calms the nerves and soothes the mind. This makes more efficient practice of asanas, and can also be used as a preparation for meditation.

The prefix “sp” indicates superiority, explosion or expansion.
“Jaya” in translation means victory, triumph or success. In carrying out Ujjayi
Pranayama lungs expand fully, and his chest stuck out like a triumphant conqueror.

Technique of Ujjayi

  1. Sit in any comfortable position, such as
    Padmasana , Siddhasana or Virasanu .

  2. Keep your back straight and still.
    Jalandhar Bandha  – head lowered so that the chin lay in the midclavicular hole above the breastbone.

  3. Run Jnana
    – hand pull right wrist and put his hands up to his knees. The tips of the thumb and index finger together, other fingers pull.

  4. Close your eyes and look inward

  5. Make full exhalation.

  6. Make a slow, deep, steady breath in both nostrils.
    The passage of the inhaled air felt upper part of the sky and produces a whistling sound (sa). The sound should be heard.

  7. Run puraka (inhalation) – fill the lungs completely.
    It is necessary to make sure that the belly is not bloated during inhalation.

  8. Run
    Uddiyana Bandhu – the whole abdomen from the pubis to the sternum should be pulled back to the spine.

  9. Hold his breath for 1-2 seconds.
    This internal delay called
    Mula Bandha .

  10. Run rechaka – exhale slowly and steadily to do to completely empty the lungs.
    Since exhale, you need to make sure that the stomach remained retracted. After 2-3 seconds to start slowly and gradually weaken the diaphragm. The passage of exhaled air should be felt the top of the sky, and aspirate produced them (ha) to be heard.

  11. Wait one second before starting a new breath.
    This waiting period is called
    Bahia Kumbhaka .

  12. Process as described in claims 7-11, is one cycle Ujjayi Pranayamy.

  13. Repeat the cycles for 5-10 minutes keeping the eyes closed all the time.

Ujjayi Pranayama can be done without Jalandhar Bandha, even while walking or lying down.
This is the only
pranayama , which can be done at any time of the day or night.

Application of Ujjayi

During the execution of asanas . Ujjayi can be made in almost any asana , though it may be difficult, if the head is thrown back. The effect of the implementation of Ujjayi similar as in the sitting practice, and when combined with asanas. Hold the attention on the breath in asana practice can be difficult, since the posture can cause discomfort. But Ujjayi breathing helps to keep the attention on the breath. As breathing becomes more perfect posture performed better.

In the practice of meditation . Ujjayi used in the practice of meditation , in Kriya Yoga and Yoga Nidra , because it helps to relax the physical body and the mind, and develops an understanding of the subtle body and mental sensitivity. Ujjayi promotes treatment of attention inward.

In yogaterapii . Ujjayi is especially recommended for people who suffer from insomnia. The simple form, without delay, the exercise is indispensable in the therapy of heart diseases. However, people with low blood pressure should first adjust their status before performing this practice.

In everyday life . Ujjayi can also be used in the tense moments – while waiting in the checkout line of slow, or when you are stuck in a traffic jam. Try Ujjayi when walking, when you go to work or during an evening stroll.

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