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What are the best yoga poses for intermediates?

What are the best yoga poses for intermediates? 3

Intermediate Postures of Yoga 

The variants are still how to take the basic posture

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What are the best yoga poses for intermediates? 4


Plow (variant) Halasana :

1. Departure: extended on the back; hands flat lying along the body. 

2. Straighten your legs vertically, remove the pelvis from the floor, and continue keeping your legs straight until your feet touch the floor behind your head. 

3. Breathe slowly and regularly, stay in position as long as the posture is not painful. (Do not exceed 15 minutes). 

4. Return to the starting position by the reverse process.

Relax on the floor and do not stand up abruptly. 

Postural effects : Softens the spine and shoulder blades. Stimulates all the nerve centers along the column. Regulates the functions of the digestive organs, liver, spleen. Stimulates the functions of the digestive tract and the kidney. Decongest the throat; regenerates the glandular system.

Contraindication :Heart failure or high blood pressure. Fragility or pain in the column. During digestion, the rules. Caution for hyper-thyroid patients.

Yoga Mudra (variant) 


1. sitting on the heels. Hands rest on the feet.            

2. Inhale deeply.             

3. Exhale as you lean forward until the head touches the ground or is close tothe ground            

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4. Straighten up by Inspiring.            

5. Once back in the starting position, exhale slowly and steadily. 

Effect of the posture:Strengthens the lumbar region and relaxes the knees. Effect on the lower abdomen region; functioning of the intestines. Stimulates the nerves of the abdomen.

Assisting in the establishment of organs. On the mental plane, chase away pride.

The Candle (variant) Sarvangasana  

EXECUTION: Refer to the Viparita-Karani (half-candle) posture. The execution will be similar, only the final position will change as shown in the figure. The recommendations will be identical to Viparita-Karani. 

Effect of the posture :Action defatigante, energetic. Fight against headaches of congestive origin. Regulates the functioning of the nervous system and calm.

Tones the brain faculties: blood supply to the brain. Stimulation of the thyroid glands and parathyroid glands. Fight against constipation. The variant works on the sides: liver, spleen, gall bladder. Contraindication : Caution for hyper-thyroid patients. Avoid in periods of menstruation. Avoid during digestion. Avoid in cases of high blood pressure.

Ship (or Lightning)                      

Navasana Execution : Going to lie down – Inspiring lifting legs and arms parallel. The body must be 90 degrees with firmness.

Postural effect :Fortifies the lumbar region. Stimulates the elimination of waste especially urine.Regulates the digestive function, especially of the stomach. Decongests the organs of the small pelvis: ovaries, prostate. Avoid abdominal bloating

Contraindication :Lumbar disc herniation. Pregnancy.

The Vibhadarasana Warrior

Execution : Standing upright with a good spread of feet Descending by bending one leg up to 90 degrees Stretching the back and arms – Inspire while climbing Relaxing while returning to the center. 

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Effect of posture : Develop the rib cage. Development shoulders, hips and knees. Good for the lumbar region.

Bamboo Execution :Sit down with the buttocks on the floor between the feetGo down quietly towards the back on the elbows. 

Effect of posture :Maximum stretching of the body, from the knees to the nape of the neck, intensely activates the blood circulation. Stimulates kidneys and adrenal capsules. It is necessary to release the lower back and the pelvis with each exhalation. 

Contraindication :Avoid in case of lumbar problem. Problem with knees and ankle. Hernias at the column. In case of hyperthyroidism.

Slit Triangle                      

Parshva Konasana(Warrior Variant) Posture Effect :Strengthens and harmonizes lower limb and shoulder joints. Stretch the sides and hips. Develops the breathing capacity. Stimulates the action of the intestines. Develops the breathing capacity.

Contraindication :If armpit pressure causes pain, there may be a problem with swollen lymph nodes. See the doctor then


Natarajasana Execution Bend forward while fixing your handPush the foot to lift the leg. 

Effects of posture :Stabilizing action of balance.

Contraindication :To avoid if hip problems

Half Bridge (variant)

Ardha Sethu Bandhasana Execution :Ride on hands from therecliningposition with legs bent, feet to buttocksshoulders rest on the ground. 

Effect of posture :Softens and tones the back. Softens the knees. Fortifies the muscles of the thighs, the ribcage, the lumbar area. Stimulates circulation in the rib cage. 

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Contraindication :Avoid in various forms of sciatica. Febrile states, painful, excessive fatigability.

The Seagull 

Execution :Leave standing legs double gauge. Descend by spreading your arms and exhaling by the mouth until you completely empty the lungs.Come back and inhale slowly. 

Effect of posture:Cleans the lungs. Stretches the sciatic nerve

Variation of the Sethu Bandhasana 

Bridge (variant with the leg raised)

Execution :Start from the bridge and raise your leg vertically. 

Effect of posture :Softens the lumbar region. Acts on the parasympathetic system. 

Contraindication :Avoid in case of exaggerated lordosis.

The Chakrasana Half Wheel

Execution :Start from the deck, then place your hands upside down at the level of the headLift the chest while inhaling. Go down again by slowly unrolling the column on the ground (stretching of the stick).

Effect of the posture :Counter-pose to Dhanurasana, of which it presents the benefits. Work the lumbar area, the kidneys and the thorax. Strengthens the nervous systems and endocrine glands.

Contraindication :Stiffness of the column (prefer the half-wheel then). Pinching of the sciatic nerve. Cardiac disorders. Hypertension.

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