A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

What Are The Best Yoga Poses To Loose 10 kg In A Month?

What Are The Best Yoga Poses To Loose 10 kg In A Month? 1

Weight loss is a constant pursuit for many people. It is not uncommon for many to have experimented with various methods, from extreme diets to strenuous workouts. But, have you ever considered using yoga to lose weight?

This is a viable and very effective option. If you are in the process of losing weight, yoga can be one of your best allies, easy and effective.

Like other physical activities, yoga is also a form of exercise. While some may be more challenging than others, their practice is quite complex and perfect for burning calories.

A typical yoga class usually begins with a brief introduction, followed by a warm-up, until various positions and complex postures are made (depending on the type of yoga). Finally, the lesson ends with a moment of relaxation or meditation.

Most of the movements performed are quite complete and require a bit of strength, balance, flexibility, stretching and even pause moments. It is actually the intensity variation that also makes yoga beneficial for weight loss.

With the same concept of high intensity interval exercises in yoga, the variation and difficulty of the different postures, makes this a great way to accelerate your metabolism. Consequently, calorie burning increases! This will potentiate long-term weight loss!

The best is that it is very easy to perform , even if you do not practice many exercises today, or if you are overweight.

Although many people only associate yoga with meditation or as a way to improve mental health, its benefits go much further.

Check out the best weight loss yoga postures and start practicing them today. You will see how beneficial they are.

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1. Tree

The first yoga posture to lose weight will help to firm and set the abdomen.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Place the left foot on top of the right knee to form a sort of angle.
  • Place your palms together on your chest and breathe twice.
  • For the third inspiration, raise your arms with your hands together.
  • Exhale as you bend your torso to the left.
  • Inhale again and stretch.
  • Repeat the process with each foot and three to five times as you prefer.

2. Crescent

Yoga Positions to Lose Weight

The next yoga weight-loss posture is ideal for reducing the abdomen and the hip.

  • Stand with your feet together and your arms on either side of the body.
  • Inhale and raise your arms on each side of the head.
  • Exhale and bend your body forward.
  • Inhale and, as you exhale, move your right leg back.
  • The leg should be extended and the left should be flexed.
  • Inhale and raise your arms; exhale, and then return to the original position.
  • Repeat posture with each foot five times daily.

3. Bow

This position requires a lot of energy and effort. This means it will help you burn calories and keep your metabolism running fast for the rest of the day.

In addition, it will also strengthen the muscles of the back and chest.

  • Begin by lying down on your stomach with your hands at your sides and your palms up.
  • Bend your knees and try to grab your ankles with your hands.
  • Be sure to keep distance between your feet and your hips.
  • Hold for approximately 30 seconds and repeat three times.

4. Bridge

Yoga posture to lose weight

The fourth of yoga weight-loss postures will help massage the thyroid gland . This will favor the release of hormones that control metabolism .

  • Begin position by lying flat on your back, legs flexed, feet apart at hip height.
  • Lift your hips without separating, not even a little, and keeping it parallel to the floor.
  • Put your arms underneath and try to entangle your hands.
  • Hold for one minute , lower and repeat two more times.

5. Plow

This yoga weight-loss posture improves blood circulation to the thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal gland.

By practicing it, you will be able to release more endorphins and hormones that regulate the metabolism.

  • Lie on your back and with your legs stretched toward the ceiling while your arms are glued to the body and palms down.
  • Grip strength with your hands and lift your hips.
  • Take your legs back and try to get them to touch the floor.
  • When you can, put your hands together, as in the position of the bridge.

6. Float

Yoga to lose weight

The last of yoga’s weight-loss postures will help firm the arms, shoulders, abdomen and back.

  • Begin by stretching your legs.
  • Stand with your legs extended and lean on your toes until your palms are supported, your arms flexed, and your abdomen is contracted.
  • Hold for a few seconds and lower.
  • Repeat at least three times.

Take Advantage of Yoga to Lose Weight

Practicing yoga or establishing a routine for a certain amount of time helps make your body work better.

You will find that this practice provides the amount of oxygen needed for the body’s cells to function properly.

The effect of yoga will also be noted in the following aspects:

  • Reduction of anxiety.
  • Increased physical energy.
  • Greater control of emotions.
  • Decreased desire to eat unhealthy foods.

Yoga weight-loss postures will not only help you achieve this goal, but arealso great for speeding up your metabolism.

You’ll also improve your flexibility, balance, and you’ll be able to relax and cope better with stress.

Best of all is that these are easy-to-do exercises for which you will only need layout, comfortable clothing and a few minutes to perform each one.

This way you will get the best results and you will get a fit body.

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