Are you looking for a good reason to put yourself in Yoga ? From increasing your strength to strengthening your heart to improving your flexibility, here are 38 advantages to push you to deploy the carpet, not red, but yogic!

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What are the cons of yoga? 4


If you’re a confirmed yoga practitioner, you’ve probably noticed the benefits of yoga, maybe you sleep better or you’re less likely to have a cold, or you’re feeling more comfortable overall and Zen.

But if you are a beginner or completely new to the world of yoga, then you may find it hard to believe in its benefits. And yet, researchers are very interested in the virtues of yoga and there is no shortage of essays on the subject.

Right now, science is starting to provide concrete clues as to how yoga works and improves health, cures some ailments and diseases.


Let’s start with the beginning ! This is what we think first when we think about discipline, and if you are raid like a picket, that’s a good first reason to put you there.

During your first class, you will certainly be painful to touch the tips of your feet, but by practicing regularly, you will not fail to notice a gradual relaxation and magic, the postures that seemed impossible will become feasible.

You will also notice some of your pains will begin to disappear. It is not a coincidence.

What are the benefits of Yoga on your health?

Steep hips can damage knee joints due to incorrect alignment of the thigh with the shins. Similarly, stiff hamstrings can cause flattening of the lumbar, causing back pain.

In addition, a lack of flexibility in the muscles and connective tissue, such as fascia and ligaments, can cause poor posture.
After a few months of practice, it will be behind you all that!


Having muscles is good, having strong muscles, it’s even better! They protect us from pathologies such as arthritis and back pain, and help prevent falls in the elderly.

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As you develop your overall strength through yoga, you improve your balance and flexibility at the same time, which is excellent. When you go to the weight room, you develop a lot more muscles through resistance training, it’s undeniable, but you do it despite your flexibility.


Your head is like a bowling ball, big, round and heavy. When it is well balanced directly on a spine, it requires less effort for your neck and back muscles to support it.

Now, move it a few inches forward, and you begin to deform these muscles. Go hold a bowling ball at arm’s length for 8 or 12 hours a day (I voluntarily enlarge the line), no wonder you’re tired.
Plus, fatigue might not be your only problem.

Poor posture can cause back, neck and other muscle and joint problems. As you fall, your body tends to compensate by smoothing out the normal inner curves of your neck and lower back. The consequence ? Pain and potential onset of degenerative arthritis in the spine.

Yoga helps you to realign your entire column and teaches you how to behave better.


Every time you practice yoga, you teach your joints to work according to their widest range of movements.

This can help prevent degenerative arthritis from cartilage areas that are not often acclaimed. The articular cartilage is like a sponge; it receives fresh nutrients only when its fluid is squeezed and a new fluid can be absorbed.

Without proper nutrition, neglected areas of cartilage can eventually wear out, exposing the underlying bone to wear, much like used brake pads.


The vertebral discs, kind of shock absorbers between the vertebrae, endorse the movements. If you have a regular practice of Yoga, including many twists, movements during which one leans forward, one stretches, etc. You will greatly help your intervertebral discs to remain flexible, which is an excellent thing.


Resistance exercise is known to strengthen bones and help prevent osteoporosis. Many yoga postures require you to lift your own weight.

Some, such as the “Downward- and Upward-Facing Dog”, even help strengthen the bones of the arm, particularly vulnerable to osteoporotic fractures.

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In a study conducted at California State University in Los Angeles, it has been shown that yoga practice improves bone density in the vertebrae. The ability of yoga to reduce cortisol levels of the stress hormone can also help to fix calcium in the bones.


Yoga circulates your blood, specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga help to circulate your blood (especially towards your extremities).

Yoga allows you to bring more oxygen into your cells, which is more functional. In addition, the hypothesis is that the torsion poses “spin” the deoxygenated blood present in the internal organs while allowing the oxygenated blood to flow once in these same organs once the twist is released.

Inverted poses (such as balance) encourage deoxygenated blood from the legs and pelvis to return to the heart, where it will be pumped to the lungs to replenish oxygen.

This is greatly helpful if you have swollen legs or heart / kidney problems. Yoga also increases the levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues.

Finally, yoga has the effect of thinning the blood by making the platelets less sticky and reducing the level of proteins that promote coagulation. This can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, often caused by blood clots.


If you have high blood pressure, be aware that two studies (published in the British medical journal The Lancet) on people with hypertension have compared the effects of Yoga Savasana to a sitting on the couch.
After three months, it was found that subjects who received Savasana training experienced a 26-point decrease in their systolic blood pressure and a 15-point decrease in diastolic blood pressure.


Are you in a bad mood? Sit in Lotus position.

One study found that a regular yoga practice fights the symptoms of depression and leads to a significant increase in serotonin levels in addition to a decrease in levels of monoamine oxidase (an enzyme that destroys neurotransmitters) and cortisol.

At the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Richard Davidson found that the left prefrontal cortex displays increased activity among meditators, which corroborates with greater levels of happiness and better immune function. An even more pronounced activation on the left side has been put forward by more experienced meditators.

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Move more, eat less is the adage of many dieticians. Yoga can help on both fronts. Regular practice causes you to burn calories, and the spiritual and emotional dimensions of your practice can encourage you to solve your eating and weight problems on a deeper, more mental level. Yoga can also make you eat more consciously.


An important component of yoga is to focus on the present. Studies have found that regular yoga practice improves coordination, reaction time, memory and even IQ scores!

People who practice Transcendental Meditation have a better ability to solve problems and acquire / remember information, probably because they are less distracted by their parasitic thoughts.


Yoga encourages you to relax, slow down, and focus on the present, by better distributing the balance of the sympathetic nervous system (or the famous “fight / flight” response) to the profile of the parasympathetic nervous system.

The latter is soothing and refreshing; it reduces breathing and heart rate, lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow to the intestines and reproductive organs, which directly calls for relaxation.


Regular yoga practice increases proprioception (the ability to spot your body in space) and actually improves balance.

People with poor posture or movement dysfunction usually have poor proprioception, which brings a bed of trouble such as knee problems and back pain.

A better balance means fewer falls. For the elderly, this translates into greater independence and therefore the possibility of delaying admission to the home.

For all, postures like that of the tree can help.


Love can not conquer everything, but it can certainly help heal!

Cultivating the emotional support of friends, family and community helps improve health and healing, this has been demonstrated time and time again in science.

Regular yoga practice helps develop friendliness, compassion and greater equanimity.