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What is Raja yoga?

What is Raja yoga? 5

Raja Yoga. Practice of meditation. The first lessons for beginners.


Here I offer you a series of “mental exercises”, examples of reflections that will allow you to experience the wealth and beauty of Raja Yoga, this ancient culture and philosophy, and feel happy, healthy and satisfied. Life is meaningless if we do not have peace, happiness and good relations.

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What is Raja yoga? 6


The technique of Raja Yoga is not related to the position of the body, so people of all ages and physical conditions, including those with weakened health, can practice it, and at any time: at work and during rest, in the morning or in the evening, sitting, standing or moving.
The word “meditation” has two meanings: the first is positive thinking, the second is healing. Healing of the soul.

The purpose of yoga practice is to make the soul pure and strong. The soul, which has lost its purity and spiritual strength, must receive them again from the Most High Father. 

Some during meditation hold their hands palms up, believing that in this way they will receive energy. But spiritual power can not be received through the palms of the cosmos. 

The first and most important aspect of yoga is the connection of the intellect with God. And if your intellect is not connected with the Supreme Father, and you have concentrated it on some other thought, or it is in a state of vacuum, then this is not yoga. You do not receive spiritual power from God and do not close your accounts.

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Raja Yoga is an intellectual yoga, and the main thing in it is to constantly maintain a light, relaxed and strong state of mind.
So, if you decided to change your life for the better (which Raja-yoga teaches), then do not give up – and success is assured to you!

To ensure that the efforts have been successful, I recommend you, from the very first topic, this order of classes: carefully read and think over every aspect.

Try to feel every thought. Work on each exercise for at least half an hour before proceeding further. Spend the whole day, without losing any exercise from memory – and you will immediately feel the result. In the process of meditation, the old Sanskaras are burned (there is no exact translation from Sanskrit of this word, approximately: imprints in memory, habits) and new ones are acquired.

What is Raja yoga? 7


When you are sitting in meditation, do not close your eyes, it is better to keep them open. In this world of action, we live without squinting, so it would be better to immediately get used to preserving such a state. After all, Raja Yoga is a way of life, not practice for 1-2 hours. Knowledge leads to understanding. Understanding should be turned into practical experience. Knowledge, understanding and experience are the triad that will do its job: you will transform yourself and receive answers to your questions, discovering the source of unlimited peace, joy, purity and power – God, the Most High Father. Dive deep in yourself and play with the jewels of Knowledge.

The main goal of Raja Yoga

So, the main goal of Raja Yoga is the destruction of the impurity of the mind, the overcoming of ignorance and the elimination of the unrest of the mind. It should be remembered that the management of thoughts is not an end in itself on this path, but only a means to achieve the possibility of leading reality and liberation.

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A person learns to recognize the different spheres of the mind: conscious, superconscious, unconscious and beyond. Raja Yoga itself is aimed at ensuring that the practitioner learns to transcend his physical body and strive to orient consciousness to the inner environment.

It can be said that the goal of this path is to approach the higher consciousness. But before that, Raja Yoga proves the very possibility of the existence of this consciousness, talking about people who have reached “awakening from sleep.” In addition, she says that the human psyche is a system of curved glasses, through which we can not see the real “image”. Raja Yoga allows the yogi to see four states of consciousness: deep sleep, dreaming, waking and enlightenment – turiyu.

Perhaps the main task that faces the beginner of the path of Raja Yoga is to achieve the ability not to think, to restrain the unrest of the mind at will. Only having mastered this skill, a person can hear the thoughts of other people, all voices of nature, the voice of his own body, feel the voice of silence, which is able to reveal to him all hidden truths and secrets.

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