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Which yoga exercises can help to cure headaches?

Which yoga exercises can help to cure headaches? 1

Headache is one of the most common conditions among the population and, depending on the intensity, can leave us physically and emotionally blocked.

The innumerable remedies that the pharmaceutical industry offers us to alleviate such annoying, sometimes unbearable, ailment are well known. However, before resorting to chemistry, we can try a natural remedy for ourselves to manage that pain through the practice of yoga with three simple postures that will alleviate the symptoms, in many cases, making them disappear completely.



1-. PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA (flexion posture with extended legs)

We distribute the weight of the body between both legs, we feel how the thighs are activated and the soles of the feet are anchored in the ground. We try not to lose balance or lean forward. If we enjoy good flexibility, we may touch the floor with the crown, but it is not necessary; if so, it is only a subtle contact. Now the important thing is to breathe deeply and feel how our brain is sprinkled with fresh blood.

In addition to relieving headaches, this posture revitalizes the mind, strengthens the legs and spine, and tones the abdominal area.


2-. SUPTA BADDHA KONASAN A (tied angle posture)

Lying on the floor on cushions or blankets, with the soles of the feet together and the knees and arms open, we let the weight of the body be completely abandoned.

This posture clears the mind and improves concentration. In addition, it is very beneficial for the premenstrual period in women, the most sensitive moment to suffer from headaches. It is an invitation to complete relaxation and to concentrate in our interior. Take the opportunity to relax all the muscles of the face.

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3-. BALASANA (embryo posture)

Kneeling on the floor, we drop our buttocks until we sit on our heels. We can leave the arms stretched over the head or the sides of the body, as we find it more comfortable.

This posture calms the nervous system, reduces blood pressure and relieves tension in the cervical area and the entire back.

* Breathing is an essential component. To feel how the body relaxes and completely abandons, it is great to let yourself be carried away by the respiratory rhythm, feeling with each exhalation how the body gradually loses tension, little by little.

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