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Which yoga exercises should be done to gain weight?

Which yoga exercises should be done to gain weight? 3

Yoga, will help you gain weight.

To exercise the balance of the body is to do it in all aspects of life: less stress, more concentration and better management of emotions.

Yoga is a popular method used to reduce weight, but there are also several effective yoga exercises for weight gain.

Shavasana – is an effective yoga exercise for weight gain. This exercise includes:lying on your back and proper breathing. This yoga exercise is one of the easiest, to perform with minimal activity compared to other yoga poses. As a rule, a man’s big weight lacks endurance, and, therefore, he gets tired very quickly. Practicing yoga helps in creating endurance and increases the practitioner’s appetite.

Shavasana - Corpse Pose
Shavasana – Corpse Pose

Sarvangasana is another effective yoga training for weight gain. This posture helps, in the normalization of weight, depending on the functioning of your body and your growth. Lie on a flat surface, legs together, hands palms down. When you breathe in, press on your hands, lift your legs and hips, raise your legs above your head first by 30 degrees, then 90 degrees, and finally, 130 degrees. Hold in this position for 5 seconds, and then exhale and straighten your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Then do the exercise, changing the position of the hands, palms under the back, supporting it.Together with yoga exercises, for weight gain, you should eat a little more than usual, but avoid unnecessary fatty foods. The main rule in weight gain is to eat more calories. You must increase the amount of dairy products that you need to consume each day. Dairy products such as cheese, cocktails, milk, yoghurts.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

It is important that you perform your, yoga fitness program, to increase weight on a regular basis, along with proper nutrition, to see positive results. Always consult a doctor before starting any kind of exercise.



  • Support the sole of the right foot on the inside of the left thigh. Gently, move the right knee back to open the hip. Join the palms of your hands in the center of your chest and keep your trunk erect.
  • Inhale and extend the arms, lengthening the spine and stretching the trunk.
  • Breathe rhythmically while you are comfortable and undo the posture following the steps in reverse. Do it again with the other leg.


  • Stand up , align your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles.
  • Flex the right leg and hold the big toe with the index and middle fingers of the right hand.
  • Stretch your leg in front without losing your center of gravity and breathe a couple of times to stabilize yourself.
  • Without moving your hips , slowly open the stretched leg to the side and look over the opposite shoulder. Hold your posture for about 5 full and deep breaths, feeling how you expand and your weight fades.

Which yoga exercises should be done to gain weight? 4


  • Separate the feet one meter , inhale and raise the arms up to the shoulders with the palms facing down.
  • Turn the feet to the right : the right 90 ° and the left 60 °.
  • Flex the right knee and rest the right hand on the ground at two feet of the foot.
  • Inhale and bring the weight of the body to the right leg while raising the left.
  • Stretch your left arm above your head and look at the raised hand.


  • Join your feet and bring your hands to your chest in a prayer position.
  • Relax your shoulders and take a few breaths observing the distribution of your weight on both feet.
  • Inhale and, while you lean the trunk forward, at the same time raise the right leg backwards.
  • Activate your abdomen , breathe in the center of the chest and try to create a straight line between the trunk and the leg that you keep elevated.
  • Lengthen the neck and look down and forward, like the warrior who flies over problems without getting involved in them.
  • Observe the stimulating feeling of power that this posture gives you. Hold between 4 and 5 breaths.


  • Squat and hold the palms of your hands right in the center of your chest.
  • Choose a stable point in front of you to fix the look.
  • Inhale and raise the right leg until you see that it is parallel to the ground.
  • Stretch the spine , activate the abdomen and breathe deeply and rhythmically while controlling the tendency of your body to wobble.
  • Become aware of the oscillations that your body makes and accept them without further ado, being glad to know that you are where you should be and that everything is perfect as it is.
  • Hold the position between 4 and 5 deep and conscious breaths.

We eat fast, we kiss without time, we work a lot, we walk at great speed …

We live immersed in a feverish activity in which to stay in balance, for many people, is quite a feat. In this context, yoga becomes an effective ally, since its main purpose is to balance the body, mind and emotions .

Yoga postures for balance

In this article we propose a series of asanas or yoga postures that, if you perform them routinely (2 or 3 times a week), will help you to regulate your emotional ups and downs and to face with greater equanimity day by day.

If you keep in mind these recommendations you will see how quickly your body gains strength and balance and the weight disappears!

  • Concentrate on the breath and all the sensations that each posture produces. Mindfulness is the key to achieving the benefits.
  • Breathe deeply and at a leisurely pace and you will see how your body stabilizes without difficulty.
  • Keeping the abdomen contracted is essential to achieve stability and not wobble.
  • If you fall, nothing happens! Try again, resume the posture with the next inhalation and a smile.

You can include these postures in your complete yoga practice or do them separately; in that case, remember to warm up before with some stretching or with three or four rounds of “greetings in the sun”.

And finally, do not forget that you should do all the movements slowly and that you should rest for 5 minutes in a lying position on your back before continuing with your day.

The effects of yoga on the body, mind and emotions

The more than one thousand asanas or yoga postures that exist (including variations) cultivate the physical, mental and emotional balance of those who practice them.

However, balance asanas are even more effective for this purpose, because they require a lot of concentration, strength and patience. Practicing them you will see that they are great teachers who invite you to get to know you better and recover the center whenever you need it.

As it is above, it is below . And since it’s inside, it’s outside. The truth is that everything we do and how we do it is a product of our internal state: energy, mind and emotions. Or what is the same, the stability and firmness that you can achieve in a position that requires great capacity for balance will also reflect the state of your mind and your emotions.

The process to master a posture of balance, in addition to providing securityand self-sufficiency , is a great way for you to find a better and better balance in all aspects of life . When you carry out a balancing asana your body and your mind work together and this in turn has repercussions for you, in a greater capacity for concentration and in a better management of stress and emotions.

The most difficult thing to maintain balance in a posture, as in life in general, is to empty the mind of thoughts and avoid thinking about “I’m going to fall”, on similar things or what will happen next. The positions that exercise balance force you to be present, to keep yourself in the true «here and now» without impatience.

On the physical plane, these asanas, in addition to improving balance throughout the body, strengthen the muscles of the legs and arms, regulate the nervous system and develop our ability to concentrate.

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