A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Why should you meditate?

Why should you meditate? 3

The first things that come to mind when we talk about meditating are the word “om”, and an isolated place where we remain silent.

But at the same time more and more friends and family members are joining this ancient practice, and the impact it generates on them is positive, and it has changed their lives, for the better.

If this has made you consider meditation a little more, we give you 10 reasons as a final push to make you realize once and for all of its many benefits:

1. It’s for everyone:

Doctors, housewives, models, students, men with beards, people who only use Facebook …. absolutely everyone does well to meditate. Like yoga, this practice can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of religious, cultural, or professional alignments, and is actually intended for heads of family, those with a job, family and responsibilities.

Why should you meditate? 4


2. You do not need to change your lifestyle:

That you meditate does not mean that you have to go for a week to a spiritual retreat, that you become a vegetarian or that you leave all your possessions behind.

Some traditions of meditation have an orientation, practicing for hours a day or walking away for extended periods. But for most of us, it is not sustainable. A 20-minute practice that can be incorporated into many lifestyles, without interrupting your daily responsibilities, is a good alternative.

Meditating for a short time is like immersing yourself in a wonderful vacation for a few minutes a day. And we assure you that when you return to your routine, you will feel more pleasure than pain.

See also  Meditation Liberation from hurt

3. It is more accessible than ever: 

The fact that many public figures are becoming devotees of meditation has helped to diminish the stereotypes that had been created around her. It has gone from being perceived as something esoteric, and strange, to being an activity that arouses the curiosity of many. If your interest wakes up, you have an investigation, look for a teacher, and instruct yourself.

4. Every second counts:

Do you feel that you will never find the time to meditate? Better develop a regular meditation practice. It can be once a day or once a month, in the same way it will be beneficial for you. It’s better so do nothing.

5. You do not need to be an expert:

Good news for beginners and those who are afraid of making a disaster, any meditation is useful and valuable, even those you consider a failed session. Even if after a while you realize that you spend more time thinking about that list of things to do than meditating, the real test is in your ability to put the list aside and return to meditation.

6. You will notice the difference:

The new practitioners of meditation experience a feeling of tranquility, more energy, and more clarity immediately. And being in that state of calm will give you more space to analyze the most important and urgent thoughts, and also, have a better control over the emotional responses.

7. We all need to restart:

For young people in particular, it is about being always connected to a social network, there is a need to always be available. And the demands are high, because availability is high. And guess what? It is a lifestyle that will increase. Social connectivity is here to stay, as technology is increasingly accessible and more portable. Therefore, learning to restart is essential, and sleeping 8 hours is no longer enough.

See also  Yoga for Bone Health

8. It is a powerful preventive measure:

Many people begin to take an interest in meditation because they are looking for a change, or even as a drastic measure when they have reached the bottom. But it is better to start meditating when you lead a normal life, not when you are already in a problem.

9. Science supports it:

Scientific research suggests that meditation has a measurable impact on our biology and psychology. Among the benefits of sustained regular practice may include decreased levels of stress and anxiety levels, increased energy, thinking is more acute and you have more problem-solving skills, perceived reduction of addictive behaviors, reduced Cholesterol, relieves headaches, and more.

10. It is a routine like any other:

You can meditate by taking a break from work, or do it as a treat you are giving yourself at the end of the day. All that time you dedicate to Youtube or reviewing social networks, use it meditating.

The idea is to meditate in a place where you feel sure to close your eyes. That means it can be from an airplane to a park, and it means you do not have to wait for the right place or time. If you start worrying about perfect lighting, sound, etc., you will create barriers that will make the practice inaccessible.

Put meditation in the same category of breathing, eating and sleeping. If you do it as a condition sine qua non, it will revolutionize your life.

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