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Yoga for beautiful skin

Have you ever thought about the fact that
yoga is able to preserve the youthfulness of the skin and get rid of diseases, which are peculiar to the skin surface? Of course, we should not forget that yoga – it’s not a panacea, but it has long been known for its positive rejuvenating effect on the entire body. Therefore, yoga can accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, making the skin more supple and taut, strengthen the muscles of the face, to provide a good exchange of substances the epidermis.

Recently, Western doctors and cosmetologists have turned their attention to yoga as a tool in the fight against acne.
This type of skin disease primarily associated with dysfunction of the internal organs, in particular, malfunction of the digestive system and the hormone system malfunction. Regular yoga helps solve digestion problems (diseases of the stomach, bowel, constipation, etc.), as well as get rid of stress, which is a major cause of hormonal imbalance. Some yoga postures provide blood flow to the face, thus increasing the metabolism and rejuvenating skin cells.

How to keep your skin beautiful and young?

  1. Perform inverted postures, such as
    Salamba Sarvangasana and Salamba Sirshasana . They provide blood flow to the face, accelerate metabolism, fight diseases of the digestive system.

  2. Perform asanas, which improve intestinal function –
    Adho Mukha Shvanasana , Ardha Matsiendrasana , Paripurna Navasana . This will promote good absorption of nutrients and the withdrawal of unwanted toxins from the body.

  3. Do
    exercises for the face (face – yoga) at least 2-3 times a week for 10-20 minutes. This will strengthen the muscles of the face, removes fine wrinkles, give a healthy color face.

  4. Engage
    pranayama . This provides extra body vitality (prana).  

  5. Learn to
    meditate , because it will help get rid of stress, negative emotions, depression. Calm cheerful person is better able to resist the signs of aging and the negative environmental effects of bad skin, rather than the person who is in constant stress.

  6. Eat right: eliminate or at least reduce consumption of sugary and starchy foods.
    Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water.

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