12 yoga postures to feel your body vibrate – MindYoga4U

I do not know if with so many sleeping pills and coffee to wake up, you remember once you have a body that feels and a mind that can work, if the guides, for more things than sleeping, eating, working, hanging out with friends and review mobile.

It is possible that these paragraphs are not for you. Perhaps you already take a more conscious … life in any case, I encourage you to keep reading because surely someone will come to mind and you can share … Still looking into, because I do not know why we always think about what others need before they come to mind what we need ourselves. Have you heard that “seeing the speck in your neighbor’s eye”?

Today is not that I’m upset or anger you want to throw you far. I just decided to get a little tough. How is it that costs you read me, that costs you talk to me? All for the simple reason that I do look inward and that you are too lazy.

  • Uy, now “touch me” naylin, I have to sit down and meet face to face with my shadows, I have to still the mind so “good” that is her in her comfort zone. I am suffering, but ordinary suffering, which touches the whole life. I do not know what I get in these rolls.

That seems to read in your eyes sometimes. And not only that, but there are days that you said to me directly. But look, I appreciate that you deeply. Your sincerity is beautiful. What happens is that you are not being consistent.

And the inconsistency lies mainly in that suffering you see normal (problems at work, with the couple, some other disease, other relationships in your life, what you want but you do not have) does not have to be normal. Yes, I know you’re thinking that things are as they are and know from experience that you can not prevent the co-worker look at you with a face or your partner do not understand. But there is something you can not help but feel that way is that even though the world is falling “out there” in your hands is how to manage it. Beginning to understand that destruction is an important part of life, which leads to arising new, to creation.

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You know an event is neutral and that you are who with all your burden of experience and past you put the emotion of sadness, guilt, anger, envy, hatred … You know that someone else in the same situation perhaps lived different or even yourself at another point in your life or maybe tomorrow I could live differently. But still you like to wallow in suffering the negative thoughts, movies invent things that never going to happen out of your mind.

But I do not judge. You’ve been doing it for years. You’ve done a ditch in your mind you travel again and again. Have you noticed that always react the same to the same situations? And so you expect to have different results! Madness, called him Einstein. I ask you today is that you become aware once. Must draw a different gap in your mind and I tell you now: It will not be easy. But if you really want to approach the happiness you already are, you have to be disciplined and constant. Mind and many things around you will go against you because it costs out of your comfort zone (which does not mean welfare). But if you really have clear, if you ever felt a glimmer of that feeling of wanting to escape the vicious circle in which you are, then I know you’ll put on your part.

What do you have to do? First, leaving aside victimhood and trazarte firm commitment to yourself that you will do everything you can pursue your happiness. And then the heart, then you will not be other than practice, practice.

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Practice, practice

Does this mean doing yoga postures, pranayama and meditation? Yes, for example, but of course there are other ways. It means that whatever you do, you are aware of what you’re doing, that goal that inspires you to get up every day and could be, for example, your own happiness and that of all beings. The idea is to work the connection of body and mind to help you raise your consciousness, will help you discern better and be more balanced at all times. Practice means bringing everything learned theoretically to practice your day. That’s your big school and should be grateful to her and every situation you have in the way.

to thank

Will you be able to thank the heavy traffic that had that day just as important appointment? May help you see how impatient you are …

Can you see the cry of your head as a sign that you have a
lot of love to give? Be thankful too, if you is happening is that there ‘s something there you have to learn.

Do you think you could transform indifference that both your partner achacas a stimulus to give and give that you’re claiming?

Feel your body and live it with all the strength of your heart

Today, in addition to all these words that surely some will draft you, I bring a physical practice to really feel your body. It is a strong practice. But the first thing you have to do is not to force your body. Do not do it because what you do on the mat is what you do in your life. Listen to your body and keep the posture the recommended time or time you can today.

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But you’re time, be very aware of what you’re feeling. See if any part of your body will tremble, if it is stretched, if it opens, if it weakens. Observe your breath and try to keep the same pace. If stirring is a sign that you have to stop or less. Do not forget to seek comfort in posture. It is not crush you, this is make you aware with a strong physical practice. But the level is up to you.

12 yoga postures to feel your body vibrate

  • – Start chilling for 5 minutes in Savasana
  • – Then make 6 laps of the sun salutation (6 per side). Here’s the link to the video where I explain step by step.
  • – Then do you propose sequence. In each posture remains minimum 30 seconds, maximum 2 minutes, depending on how you are today. Be sure to listen to your body.
  • – You can make the first line of the entire sequence followed and then do the same with the other side of your body, or do each posture first one side and then the other, as you prefer.
  • – Ends the session with 10 minutes of relaxation in Savasana
  • – And then tell me how it go …
  • yogaesmas body-posture-vibrated

    To end

    This can not help but say: I feel like better off after writing all this. It’s like something was inside and had not taken, I do not know why.

    Ah … now I think I understand … is that this whole article I have written it
    myself. Is for me. I am writing and reading. But hey, as we are, I share it with you if it’s something

    A big hug, heart !!

    And to practice !!!!

