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Andrei Sidersky

Andrei Sidersky 3

Cozdatel known gymnastic system Yoga 23 , the creator of a specific direction in contemporary art – the so-called “psychotronic Art”, author and developer of special breathing exercises in the water – “Plavita-Sadhana” and the special breathing exercises “Boeks”, to improve the efficiency of tissue respiration, also successfully used by professional divers.

Andrey Sidersky was born in Kiev in 1960 in the family of Soviet engineers and technical workers. In 1967, when he was 6 years old, he was diagnosed with scoliosis in very difficult and dangerous form. Due to the rapidly increasing scoliosis had to deal with a special hard physiotherapy, much of the exercise which represented a technique Yogi gymnastics.

Until 1975, Andrey Sidersky engaged in sports swimming, outstanding athletic performance, for obvious reasons, it has not reached, but the problem is the rapid development of a particular form of scoliosis, threatening paralysis of the lower limbs have been resolved positively. In the spring of 1975, after consultation with Professor Andrew Zherdinovskim Sidersky he switched to diving and started to train under the guidance of the Honored coach of the USSR Zahara Naumovicha Berman.

In 1978, AV Sidersky graduated from high school and enrolled at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, where he immediately began to take an active part in the diving sport-technical club “Atlantis”. In 1980 he graduated from the course instructors of underwater sports and, as an experienced athlete, swimmer with more than 10 years of training experience, has been appointed coach of the club “Atlantis” team of high-speed kinds of underwater sports.

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With the techniques of gymnastics yogis and other gymnastic health-obschetrenirovochnyh traditions AV Sidersky began experimenting in 1978. As a result, in 2003 he developed the author’s method of drawing up and optimization of training programs, improving and general developmental gymnastics practice. Subsequently, the system was transformed, taking into account the practical and theoretical developments of pupils and colleagues AV Sidersky and over time has evolved into a highly effective training process the product of collective work, which absorbed the achievements of many skilled professionals in the field of hatha yoga, martial arts, modern sports training methods and fitness, swimming and free diving.

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