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Arthritis? Do yoga!

The International Fund for Arthritis (Arthritis Foundation) recommends yoga as a means of improving people’s physical and mental health, diagnosed with arthritis.
Experts, based on the latest scientific studies claim that the regular practice of yoga for people suffering from arthritis, can help to reduce joint pain and improve joint function and flexibility, reduce stress and emotional strain.

Clinical Professor of Medicine and Rheumatology Sharon Kolashinski studied the effects of yoga on people with osteoarthritis of the knee.
The researcher found that the study participants who practiced yoga for 90 minutes, once a week for 2 months, a significant reduction in pain symptoms and improving the mobility and flexibility of joints. Yoga classes in the course of the experiment were chosen variations of yoga asanas, which take into account the limitations of people with osteoarthritis of the knee. Participants also used the chairs, bricks and rollers to facilitate the exercise.

Dr. Subhadra Evans, examined the effect of yoga on the emotional state of people who were forced to due to chronic arthritis on a daily basis to put up with pain in the joints.
During the six weeks of a group of women with rheumatoid arthritis regularly attended a yoga class. “The results amazed me, – says researcher -” participants said that, despite the fact that daily pain is gone, changed their attitude to pain. They were able to more effectively carry out their daily activities, and felt a surge of strength and energy. I think that if the experiment lasted longer, then
yoga would facilitate and physical symptoms of the disease. “

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For an active life through yoga

Dr. Kolashinski sure soft adapted yoga exercises can help people with arthritis to strengthen muscles and train your balance.
Sparing regimen of practice is available even in case of serious diseases of the joints and can be a pleasant therapeutic exercises regularly.

“People suffering from joint problems are very few trained.
This leads to further deterioration of the musculoskeletal system. Yoga – the opportunity to work with your body, making it stronger and healthier. This is not the only thing that is recommended to people with arthritis, but it is an important component of a holistic regime along with cardio exercise (eg walking) and proper diet low in fat. “

Arthritis impairs the mobility of the joints, making them stiff.
“Stretching exercises in yoga help to improve range of motion and flexibility will facilitate” – Sharon says. “In periods of exacerbation of symptoms continue to do, – says Dr. Kolashinski – but do not overdo it, the practice must be very attentive and gentle.”

Does yoga help relieve inflammation?

Many forms of arthritis, especially autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, are accompanied by inflammation, swelling, pain, and ultimately destruction of the joint elements.
Yoga helps to relieve pain, improve joint mobility, but can a common practice yoga to reduce inflammation?

In 2010, a study led by Janice Glazer Kekolt-key blood markers were measured in inflammation.
The study involved 50 healthy women practicing Hatha yoga. The results were promising. Subjects women were divided into beginners and advanced. More experienced practitioners showed lower levels of blood proteins causing inflammation (such as interleukin-6). Such proteins provoke inflammation in some forms of arthritis. Women who have just started to practice yoga, the amount of inflammation in the blood protein markers was greater.

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The Indian study published this year found that even a week-long intensive yoga program has a positive effect on people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Sixty-four men and women with the disease were tested for rheumatoid factor (blood marker associated with inflammation). All participants after 7 days of regular exercise rheumatoid factor decreased. In addition, some subjects showed improved gripping power and mobility of the hand.

Yoga every day

For people with arthritis, many asanas may not be available, so experts recommend the use of the available variations.
For example, a dog muzzle down, it is possible to do, relying on his knees. For comfort in the performance of poses is better to use a chair, block, strap or other means to help maintain balance.

Before you start yoga, consult a doctor or yoga therapist to ensure the suitability of yoga is right for you.
Also, discuss any modifications of the asanas can be useful in your case.

Here are softer complex yoga exercises with variations developed by the Center Arthritis Hopkins.

forward Bend

Slowly lean forward, try to keep your back stretched.
Weight of the feet does not move on the heel or toe. Head, neck and upper body should be as relaxed.

Arthritis? Do yoga! 9



Lie on your stomach, palms rest on the floor at chest level.
Pull and lift the upper body, pushing legs.

Arthritis? Do yoga! 10


Stand with your feet wide.
Expand one leg foot outside, the other inside at 45 degrees. Make sure that your toes and knees looking in the same direction. Uprites elbow in the thigh, the other arm extended along the line of the spine.

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Arthritis? Do yoga! 11

Balances on the leg

Keep your back straight.
Pull the leg forward, not turning basin. Use the strap to lift the straight leg or keep the knee bent at a right angle.

Arthritis? Do yoga! 12

Flexible and individually tailored systems yogic asanas are available for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Even with joint problems, some exercises can be recommended for daily practice. Pick the variation in posture that suits you based on your current status.




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