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Be yourself to be complete -Bernardo Stamateas-

Be yourself to be complete -Bernardo Stamateas- 3


Be yourself to be complete Bernardo Stamateas-

Be yourself to be complete -Bernardo Stamateas- 4I’m a fake distress call and appear when the person has been injured in his esteem. Your true self comes into view when you play with your children, with a baby, when you’re relaxed when you’re on vacation when you’re having fun. But when you get up I mistreat false to protect your true identity . We took them everywhere, are repetitive, fed more of the same, are strengthened and your true self is saved and those I have always false fury because it ‘s not you.

You furious fear, low self- esteem, therefore, to hide the low esteem on many occasions consider that: “there is none like me”, that  “no one can do it like me.” While it is fine to talk positively about oneself, believe the best and only place us in a place of disadvantage. When we think we have reached our roof, we stagnate and is right there when we stop growing and therefore to be the best.

You need to lose the fear of losing your place. A healthy esteem does the opposite, sowing in place, preparing successors. A teacher is great when his disciples overcome. You have to lose afraid to take your place in your work, what did it. Do not be afraid, it’s quite the opposite, the more people get up in your place greater achievements you will be able to achieve because it means that your estimate is prepared to a place of greater authority and greater pressure. No one can take what’s inside you.

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Once you’ve eradicated from your mind all these myths, determines your life all you’re waiting for you to pass. Why some people have low self- esteem? Because they cursed with hurtful words and did nothing about it . They said, “no one will want it” and did not rebut that word and allowed to mark their lives. In front of each fact you have to go through, drop a word of encouragement, hope and determination.

Never accept a negative word, a disqualification after she speaks well of yourself, congratulate yourself, bless thyself. Autobendícete every day , do not expect that people will say something nice, something nice Talk to yourself every day. Do not wait longer than others to give you a score, never esteem comes from the words of the people. Esteem comes when you learn to speak well of oneself.

If you are a parent, you remember when your kids brought you the first drawing, and said, wow !, what a beautiful! and were probably a few simple strokes of color … the fact is that with those words, validaste the future of your child, your morning and every word you said strengthenedst esteem, teaching him to be stronger every day.

A healthy estimates accepts that throughout life have strengths and weaknesses. All our lives we will have good things and bad things. When a person does not show bad things it is because it is in conflict. and when a person does not show his good stuff is also in conflict when each of us can accept these events will be at peace.

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You deserve the best, mistakes and defects your estimates must be healthy. The issue is that we grow. This is the point, recognize them , but despite them giving us the value we deserve. How are you investing your time to grow every day? What are you doing? The important thing is to be always in the process of growth and choosing the right mentor for every moment of your life.

A hug,

Elias Berntsson

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