Change of life a personal project here and now

Change of life.  A personal project here and now.

Change of life is one of those desires that appear sometime throughout your life. This is the space to learn to make that sense of change of life.


“The lost connection. Tracing the spiral of life “Oscar Mateo. Editorial Kolima.


Reaches my hands on this book Oscar Mateo under the title of “Lost connection” and subtitled “Charting the spiral of life” and put in the queue reading, because I have several books on mode “dip slope” . For those coincidences of life, seeking subjects for a dossier on the crisis, the name of Oscar Mateo, and I remember that I have on my desk waiting reading his book appears to me suddenly.

Oscar Mateo

I wanted to write about changing life and open the book to take some notes, but I’m starting to read the prologue to Luis Lopez-Yarto and I are curious to move leaves and straining forward to the introduction and I can not stop to lie to the many after putting all my attention on the pages of “lost connection” as a profound work to understand that change of life is the fundamental issue that lies ahead while we walk today.

In this need to play with the message that change of life is becoming increasingly necessary, I read that “The missing link is a metaphor for how it could be reality if you modificases the scheme usually employ to interpret” and takes me to meet the idea that, although we are not talking directly to mindfulness, if there is a clear and obvious link with the personal development of each of us and us.

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All that need to change life that can show up at any moment, part of the same premise, which is that any changes you want and / or need, part of our inner BE.


In more or less than 150 pages, we enter the book of Oscar Mateo in a deep reflection about what is happening to us in these troubled times we live and, importantly, how we manage change in our lives.

I sincerely believe that the practice of mindfulness or mindfulness, has much to say in this regard.

This good book that I highly recommend you read recommend it because it is a large magnifying glass you will see how to change life is essential in these times, I got my hands casually and immediately could tell as its author, had long zazen in the flesh and that was reflected in each of the pages of this adventure literature.

Let me, talk to finish this discovery I wanted to share with you, you play two paragraphs of the book, in my opinion, enclose the whole philosophy of this great work:

Says Oscar Matero that “the issue, basically lies there: we have a tendency to design forward-looking statements about how things should be for us if we continued to invariably behaviors that remain today: the same job, the same power, the same way of life, the same style of relationship, the same friends, etc. When we project in time as a desirable future that should be met as a result of the set of all our current activity results in a distinct and distant from the projected reality is when we just created our own problems horizon “.

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change of life

Anyway, “Society as a whole has created and fed spirals and complicated vortices so that we are highly polarized to reduce our ability to discriminate. Now what it is discernment is to recover through contact and permanence ne neutrality, so only your heart can give. “

In short, before the change coming and is already part of our daily lives, there is only the push of personal transformation and change their lives to change the world.

It is not an easy task, but exciting and necessary.

Change of life to change the world from the here and now. Mindfulness pure.


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