How to Change Your Life Through Yourself

This is an article about the “change of life” but not a change with new traditional thoughts. Usually think traditionally means changing behavior, or back to school to adopt new habits and thus change our way of life. Inside we have the ability and capacity, through the way we use the mind and process things and facts, to give a twist to our lives and change them.

To begin, allow yourself to stop believing that you have to control everything, and have the conviction that others no longer have to control yourself either. Instead begins to trust, trust as you did the first nine months, at that time you were sure and confident, you appeared the nose, eyes, mouth … you came all, and everything was perfect. Why not go through life with the wonderful and peaceful feeling all right?

Someone said:

Hidden within all storms of your life, you will find the peace you want.

Free yourself from all control and test you, to believe you rights. For example:

“Nobody can treat me well, there is no right, I paid the bill”

Let go of the need to believe rights, do not feel entitled to something, so you will keep in peace, because the believe with the right makes your ego control you, the ego tells you to do this or that to be happy which should act a certain way, you must speak in a certain way, you must impose your authority, you must do something to be accepted. All are exhausting duties.

See also  Contemplation and meditation. The contemplative experience here and now. - Mindfulness or Full Mindfulness with Fullness

How to Change Your Life Through Yourself

On the other hand, if you have a thought that includes you and your loved ones, but excludes an outsider, no matter who or where you come from, if you have thoughts that includes some and excludes others, are not in harmony with life, with your spirit. You will be someone who is separated from his source of life.

Abraham Maslow said:

You need to change a person is to change the consciousness of yourself.

What does this mean? Means change belief systems you have, the thoughts you’ve had over and over, again and again, they say:

“I’m limited”
“I have no talent”
“I have no training”
“I am not worthy to do whatever I want”
“I have no luck I need to be able to attract what I want my life”
“He’s never gone well before “

Change the consciousness of yourself and your body, what you think of it. How can you have a body that comes from a divine source that is created welfare, which is nothing but beauty and perfection, thinking negatively about him? What you think about you and your body is what you’re carrying around, and if you have other thoughts than welfare and satisfaction, intone have to learn to change them , because it is an insult to God, is an insult to the source .

When you trust yourself, you trust in the very wisdom that created you. And inspiration is to have that, certainly it comes to recognize yourself as a genius, recognize you as a person with unlimited talent and the ability to be able to do whatever.

A hug,

Elias Berntsson

Source: Wayne Dyer

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