How to Meditate: ‘How to know if I am in Alpha?’ [New Video by Laura Silva]

Laura Silva

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive in the Silva Method on learning to meditate is: How do I know if I am in the alpha level?

In the Silva Method we use certain techniques that help you get into Alfa and recognize when you’re in this state of meditation we used to turn our minds.

In this 6 minute video Laura Silva will share some of these techniques, such as the famous method 3, 2, 1 so you can enter the Alpha state within seconds whenever you want.

Take a few minutes to watch the video, you’ll thank.

And then leave us a comment below telling us what you thought.


The video is part of a training Laura gave in English, and you translated for your convenience.

If when you start playing the video subtitles do not appear, press the button “Subtitle” on the bottom right of the video to activate, and then select the language you prefer. In the next picture we tell you how.

Learning to meditate on Alpha: Subtitles video

If you have problems playing the video go here to see it directly.

And if you prefer to see it dubbed in Spanish, go to this link.

See also  How to meditate: Recommended positions.

How about the 3 steps you share Laura Alfa to enter and make the most of your meditations? It takes practice, but with this technique into Alfa is really quick and easy!

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