In fact, yoga for the face is an active facial expression , grimacing in combination with the fixation of certain facial expressions. Yes , we will make faces!

And this will help us avoid falling nasolabial folds , forming the so-called nasolabial triangle , theappearance of the second chin and strengthen the muscles of the face oval.

Doing best before bed: after the  training” the muscles need to relax and rest.

Start training from five minutes a day , gradually increasing the time of classes to half an hour.

Have you started?

Yoga for the face: "postures" against wrinkles

Pull the face oval

Pull out the lower jaw forward so , as far as you can. Hold in this position for 30 seconds. Then , on the contrary , try to push it as deep as possible under the top – and again, take a look for half a minute. Push the jaw to the left to the limit , make a 30-second pause. And to the right – exactly the same. Repeat the entire cycle 3 times. You will improve the contour of the face oval , tighten the muscles , support the chin and work the muscles of the neck.

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Remove the nasolabial folds

Cheat your cheeks very strongly. Imagine , that in the mouth of your ball , and rolls it slowly ,controlling each stage: the right , to the right cheek swelled stronger than the left , down , to slightly sticking out his lower lip , left and up. After a full circle , repeat in the opposite direction: left , down , right , up. This is an excellent gymnastics for the muscles of the cheeks! Repeat 6 times.

Strengthen the cheekbones

Tighten your muscles with all your strength , giving the face an expression of extreme skepticism: the lips are pinched , the corners are lowered , the teeth are squeezed , the eyes are narrowed. Stay that way for 5-10 seconds. And now, on the contrary: smile with a Joker smile , grin your teeth , stretch your lips as wide as you can , eyes bulge. And so 6 cycles: improve the blood circulation ,strengthen the fibers of collagen and elastin and increase the turgor of the skin.

Work your cheeks

Make your lips  dentition”, but exaggerated , pull them forward , as if imitating a kiss. Hold for half a minute , relax and repeat 5 more times.

Get rid of bags under the eyes

Wink one by one to the left and right eye 10 times: blood circulation in the eyelids will improve ,and swelling will go away!

Smooth your forehead

Move your eyebrows , take a look. Spread it out. Now make a surprised expression on his face ,raising his eyebrows so high , as you can. And repeat the whole cycle first. It is an excellent prevention of occurrence as the brow , and transverse wrinkles.

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