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Learn to Meditate and calm the mind


Learn to Meditate and calm the mind 3


Written by Rafael Velasco member of the Writers Program Silva Method Life

I learned to meditate not looking for that goal, but I learned in a course Silva Mind Control Method of.

My exercise, which was very productive, consisted, after a deep physical relaxation, put my mind blank, without thoughts. Although it’s frustrating, because when you get it “fail” to think “I’m not thinking” was very good to learn to control my mental noise.

To meditate, I recommend the following steps:

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1) Put a purpose to your meditation. It can be anything: feel peace telling yourself you are in an absolute state of peace; asking your subconscious to help you something; mentalizarte have only positive thoughts …

2) Take a comfortable position that allows you to relax all your muscles without moving or falling asleep. I advise sitting (with back and feet firmly mounted) or lying on your back with arms apart and palms facing the sky.

3) Begin to relax your body through a systematic review of all your body by relaxing each muscle. You can do it from head to toe or vice versa, as you prefer. You can help imagination: a drop that moves through your body, a light that is coming to all parties, an army of ants going off all your muscles as you run through your body, concentrating on every centimeter of the body point by point … And most important to me: making sure that the face is completely relaxed (unconsciously, any tension is expressed in the face). You’ll notice that you are relaxed because you feel your body or too heavy or too light.

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4) Now comes the most important thing: you must keep in mind just one thing. It can be a mantra (a phrase or positive word that you repeat over and over again), you may be tracking your breathing, you can be the sense of your surroundings, whatever you want, but you must focus to it so that whatever thoughts I come not related to what you have chosen to have in mind, it should be omitted (take care you owe to let it fade away).

5) Once your mind is practically free of parasites thoughts devote yourself to your purpose, removing any extraneous thought back to the topic you throw your mind.

6) Finally you must leave this state preparing your body for output (wide awake if you should continue your normal activity, very relaxed if you go to sleep) and with a sense of peace and happiness, thanking you have let this moment of meditation .

The result, at least, must wait after meditating is a calmer mind (less noise random thoughts), a greater focus on what you’re doing and a sense of peace and control.

If you’ve never meditated, it’s good to start with guided meditations that you will give instructions for you to follow these steps.

You can also see how to meditate Without knowing Meditate


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