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Nourishing calming Kapha dosha

Kapha – this dosha is inert, it is most suitable warm, light and dry diet. People of this type is necessary to avoid the cold, greasy and sweet food, contributing to the development of Kapha. The best diet for people of this type – generally reduce the amount of food intake as her number, and the adoption rate. You can really help your body, if at least once a week will be fast. Kapha should prefer a light breakfast and dinner, fresh vegetables and fruit, lightly cooked or fried food.

Rules Ayurvedic food for people kapha-type:

  • Prefer hot, light and dry (prepared with a small amount of water) with acute food, a bitter and astringent tastes and minimum amount of fats and sugar.
    Avoid sweet, salty and sour tastes, as they increase Kapha.

  • Each dish Kapha be present pungent, bitter and astringent tastes.
    Spicy foods aid digestion and warms the body, and the bitter and astringent – helps curb appetite Kapha.

  • Eat less sweet and more to include in the diet of spices, spices and seasonings.
    Spicy and spicy food is especially favorable in the winter, when it compensates for the annoying Kapha cold and damp.

  • Favorable dishes cooked without water – baked, fried (but not much) in a frying pan or grill.

  • Breakfast should cheer, not satiate people Kapha type, so it is not necessary.
    Morning glass of water is enough with a spoonful of honey and a small amount of lemon juice squeezed out, though permissible to drink a cup of hot unsweetened (ginger) tea, coffee or bitter cocoa and toast.

  • Each meal should be present fresh herbs, vegetables, salads, legumes, fruits and a variety of spices.
    A desirable before a meal to drink a glass of warm water or hot.

  • Good light dinner for Kapha can be steamed vegetables, lightly flavored with melted butter.

  • Very hot or spicy food (causing tears), good for warming and Kapha, and to flush out excess mucus.
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Specific recommendations:

Favorably only skimmed boiled milk and minimal amounts of other dairy products. Dairy very unprofitable for the people of this type.

Sweets, honey and sugar.
Honey – the only sweet product, recommended for Kapha. All other sweets should be limited or excluded.

Favorable only ghee, sunflower and corn oil, but they are only in small quantities. For external use the best – sesame oil. All other types of oil should be excluded.

You need to limit yourself to baked goods, as well as to exclude from the diet of pancakes, muffins, pasta and yeast bread. Perhaps eating only bread from sprouted wheat, as well as crackers or biscuits, bread or cereal for breakfast (cold, dry, flaked).

Favorable almost all vegetables, but particularly sharp and bitter, such as eggplant, radish, all kinds of cabbage, peppers, turnips, beets, carrots, spinach, onion, garlic, peas, corn, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, celery, spinach mushrooms. 
It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweet and juicy vegetables: cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, olives, okra.

Fruits and berries.
Favorable all fruits with an astringent taste: apples, pears, pomegranates, apricots, peaches, mango, persimmon, cranberry, lemon, lime, strawberry, and all dried fruits. 
Limit the consumption of sweet and juicy fruits: watermelon, oranges, pineapples, avocados, bananas, grapefruit, plum, grapes, bananas, melons, kiwi, raspberries, papaya, dates, figs.

Grains and beans.
Most cereals are suitable, in particular barley, millet, rye, buckwheat and corn, and most legumes. 
Minimize the consumption of wheat, rice or oats, as well as beans and soy.

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All favorable, but especially ginger. 
Limit ketchup consumption, mayonnaise, vinegar, soy sauce, chocolate, and especially – salt.

Nuts and seeds.
Favorable only sunflower seeds and pumpkin. Everything else should be excluded from the diet.

Meat and seafood.
Favorable: white chicken or turkey meat, fish and shrimp (all in small quantities). 
Exclude : animal meat, seafood.

Tea, coffee and drinks
. Favorable: warm and natural soy milk with spices, coffee, cereal, dry wines (both red and white), juices: apricot, pineapple, grape,

Cherry (sweet), pomegranate, apple, pear, carrot, peach, plum, mango and cranberry and other berry juices. 
Should be excluded : sodas and drinks with ice, lemon water, coffee, iced tea, broth, strong alcoholic drinks, acidic juices, as well as orange, grapefruit, tomato and papaya juice.

Herbs and plants
. Wintergreen, clove, hibiscus, blackberry, jasmine, ginseng, wild strawberry, ginger, yerba-mate (Paraguay tea), Cinnamon, Nettle, red clover, lavender, lemon grass, burdock, alfalfa, raspberry, lemon balm, Mormon Tea (Ephedra) spearmint, peppermint, dandelion, fenugreek, chamomile, sassafras, Passion flower, yarrow, chicory, juniper berries, barley. Not suitable: Marshmallow, Licorice, and Rosehip.

Regularly, 1 day per week of warm boiled water with honey. weekly diet is also recommended limiting sugar – allowed only honey (one tablespoon per day), which can be diluted in hot water.

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