A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Why is breathing recommended for meditation? 1

Why is breathing recommended for meditation?

Breathing techniques Learn to relax Applying breathing techniques will help us in our day to day to know how to channel our energy, reduce our tension and relieve anxiety. Breathing in yoga is one of the fundamental aspects of both physical practice (hatha yoga) and mental practice (Raja Yoga). Pranayama or yogic breathing is one of the main […]

Does meditation relieve stress? 2

Does meditation relieve stress?

Stress is one of the most cited factors in the case of common diseases. Throughout life it is very likely that you will experience normal routines that empower you but that, at the same time, can leave you breathless. Maintaining the balance between the external world of work, classes, children, husbands and wives, and at the same […]

Is it possible to meditate while you are in pain? 3

Is it possible to meditate while you are in pain?

Yes, It is posssible to medidate while you are in pain using follwing methods. Pain is not just a physical sensation. It is related to both the body and the mind. According to the Harvard Medical School in the United States, the way in which pain is felt has to do with emotions, personality, lifestyle, genetics and previous experiences. […]

Can meditation harm a traumatized person? 5

Can meditation harm a traumatized person?

If we want to understand what trauma is, we need to look at neuroscience. Neuroscience research has produced an interesting discovery: the rational part of the brain has no direct connections to the part of the brain that is under the influence of emotional reactions . This part of the brain is the limbic , primitive or animal brain that focuses solely on survival. […]

How do I motivate myself to meditate regularly? 7

How do I motivate myself to meditate regularly?

 Ideas to motivate yourself to practice alone at home Unless you can afford an unaffordable unlimited subscription in a studio, a very regular practice of yoga takes place mainly at home. And it’s better to roll out your carpet for 15 to 30 minutes every day in your bedroom or living room, or every other day, […]

What is the most reliable method to learn meditation without an instructor? 11

What is the most reliable method to learn meditation without an instructor?

Basic meditation guide for beginners Today we want to expose here some  simple guidelines of meditation techniques for beginners , both for those who want to start in this discipline and for those who already had an initiation process and need a small reminder to resume this practice. We will also explain what meditation is . On this page we […]

What is the difference between guided imagery meditation and creative visualisation meditation? 13

What is the difference between guided imagery meditation and creative visualisation meditation?

Differences between Meditation and Visualization Meditation serves to relax our body and our mind, letting go of memories, images, sounds, etc. without stopping them. Visualization is the creation, retention and recording of positive images in our subconscious. Visualization, unlike meditation, can be done anywhere, at any time of the day, and it does not require great […]

What is the science of meditation? 15

What is the science of meditation?

WHAT IS MEDITATION? WHY IS IT A SCIENCE? The Webster dictionary defines the term “meditate” as “to enter into contemplation or reflection”. This is an accurate description of one of the effective forms modern meditation can take. It goes beyond the mystical method of seeking the ecstasy of union with the divine or with God for oneself. It transcends […]

Are there different types of meditation? 17

Are there different types of meditation?

Different types of meditation BUDDHIST MEDITATION ZAZEN MEDITATION TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION VIPASSANA MEDITATION KABBALAH MEDITATION MANTRA MEDITATION SUFI MEDITATION DZOGHEN MEDITATION CHAKRA MEDITATION Buddhist Meditation Or Full Mind Meditation Buddhist Meditation Or Full Mind Meditation Buddhist meditation, also called complete mind meditation, tries to keep the mind totally focused on the present moment. Not in the […]

Useful tips for making inverted postures 19

Useful tips for making inverted postures

The inverted postures, like Sirshasana (Posture on the Head) or Adho Mukha Vrksana (the Pine), do not leave indifferent any yoga practitioner: there are those who love them and others avoid them due to fear and lack of confidence in their ability to face them. In this blog post we give you some useful tips […]