A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

what are some mind tricks? 1

what are some mind tricks?

7 tricks to “control” the minds of others Maybe you have ever imagined yourself controlling others with your thought. Maybe you ‘ve even tried telepathy , with greater or lesser results. The human mind is too complex to understand it in its entirety, let alone handle it so easily. However, hundreds of studies have found common patterns in the […]

What Are Some Great Morning Habits? 2

What Are Some Great Morning Habits?

Today the problem of heavy morning awakenings and hateful partings with your favorite bed and pillow will be left behind! We have assembled a complex of interesting asanas , which are ideal for morning yoga. Do it every morning to improve your well-being and recharge with vigor and energy for the whole day! Unfortunately, the morning awakening for most […]

How did practicing mindfulness help you in your life? 21

How did practicing mindfulness help you in your life?

The benefits of mindfulness meditation I often talk to you about meditation because for me it’s a must if you want to improve your well-being. There are many mediations but all are not easy to understand and sometimes complicated to put into practice. Mindfulness meditation Mindfulness meditation does not require that one is adept of this or that religion or […]

What Are The Best Habits That Can Make You Be The Best Person? 23

What Are The Best Habits That Can Make You Be The Best Person?

Yoga says it’s easy to stay healthy, just change some of the clothes that lead to bread, misery, and premature death. Health is a birthright, it is as healthy to be healthy as to be born. Changing clothes and practicing yoga is a simple method of achieving health. The science of yoga has been practiced for over […]

Why is posture so important to meditation? 26

Why is posture so important to meditation?

WHY IS THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION SO IMPORTANT? The importance of having a good posture while meditating is mentioned. This has a basic importance: if a person is going to meditate for a certain amount of time, he should be able to avoid lassitude and at the same time discomfort or overexcitement. The Buddha taught this with […]

What are daily habits that are good to follow? 28

What are daily habits that are good to follow?

I heard everyone talk about how great Yoga was and what special benefits it all had, but I myself was missing all this, because I simply did not get on the mat often enough. Do not get me wrong, because every time you step on the mat, you can give yourself a pat on the back and […]

How does the brain change after 2 years of meditation? 31

How does the brain change after 2 years of meditation?

How does the brain change after 8 weeks of mindfulness meditation?   Mindfulness meditation is a millenary practice that we should resume, for the sake of our physical health and our mental balance. Mindfulness implies mindfulness, which means that our mind is in a relaxed but attentive state, perfectly tuned in the “here and now”. Through […]

What Are Some Good Daily Habits? 33

What Are Some Good Daily Habits?

All the classical treatises on yoga state that yoga should be done daily, and some practices (for example, pranayama) sometimes even 2-4 times a day. But most practice yoga 2-3 times a week for an hour and a half. This, of course, is by far not the fastest way to achieve all those benefits on the physical, […]

How can mindfulness change someone's life? 35

How can mindfulness change someone’s life?

Mindfulness, a life changing practice? “We live in a world that is constantly accelerating, where occupation is our daily lot. It seems almost inevitable to be constantly multi-tasking. Often, you fold the laundry while keeping an eye on the children and another on the television. You plan your day while listening to the radio, while going to […]