Pain treatment. With mindfulness you are not your pain

Pain treatment.  With mindfulness you're not your pain

On the treatment of pain, it is proven that the practice of mindfulness improves and relieves pain, reduces stress and improves well-being.


“You are not your pain. Mindfulness to relieve pain, reduce stress and restore well-being “and Danny Penman Burch Vidyamala Editorial Kairos


Speak welfare it is undoubtedly also speak of pain, of our relationship with him and how to live with that disturbance.

A topic obviously difficult, but Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman have solved a delicate way this magnificent recommended not only for those who are experiencing illness or suffer from pain and want to find some pain, but for all book and all general therefore, throughout life, everyone at some point will suffer pain and will have to live with the disease, not only itself but of our loved ones.


“You are not your pain , which includes a CD with guided meditations, it is also the result of a personal experience; that of the author and told us in his book “Living Well with pain and disease” in which he spoke of mindfulness tofree from suffering. Vidyamala (Buddhist and founder practitioner Breathworks / Breathes Life group) had a severe spinal injuries which causeddisability and chronic pain and was ablefind a new way of living and relating with illness and pain through the pain with mindfulness or mindfulness.

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This book is, above all, a book of practical because throughout its pages, Vydyamala and Danny immerse us in the development of a program of 8 weeks of treatment of pain based on the practices of mindfulness or mindfulness.

Honestly, plus a book on the treatment of pain, is also an excellent manual to start the practice of mindfulness.


In “You are not your pain , as in “Living Well with pain and disease , the author shows us through his many examples of their life wisdom pages teaching and practice of mindfulness or mindfulness we can help face the pain and illness from another point of view.

As noted by Javier García Campayo in the prologue, “Pain is much more than a symptom of disease because it is accompanied by emotions, usually negative, and a personal narrative that interprets and makes sense, even changing our vision ourselves “so when you finish the book ” the reader will be more or less agree with the thesis Vidyamala, but what nobody can deny is that he knows what qyue speaks, who knows what pain is first person”.

For the same reason, when speaking of pain, “You are not your pain” it is one of those books that you have to take personal library.

First because it is essential to learn to relate to the pain and sickness and second because you have to be aware that you may need at any time and not only physical pain, but the emotional pain that you all feel at some point throughout our lives.

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Serve this book is actually an excellent manual for the treatment of pain and our relationship with it , to realize that as “the results of clinical research conducted in this connection show that mindfulness can be as effective as painkillers to enhance natural healing systems of the body “ and that ” it can also reduce anxiety, depression, irritability, exhaustion and insomnia resulting from chronic pain and disease. “

From these words, thanks to Vydiamala and Danny and editorial Kairós for the courage to write and publish a book like this in which the pain is so excellently well connected from the intense practice and narrative simplicity.

I recommend your pain management program based on Mindfulness (MBPM) for the treatment of pain you can see by clicking this link : ENTER HERE

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