Silva Method: 100 Reasons to meditate

Silva Method: 100 reasons to meditate 3

Reasons to meditate

Whether you meditate or not, have you ever wondered on occasion why experts increasingly recommend taking a few minutes a day to meditate?

It’s amazing how in the modern world we live in, a world that values ​​above all the activity, movement, achievements and results, more and more people turning to meditation every day there.

The vast majority of people are carried away by the rush, stress and hectic lifestyle … But many feel the need to have a few minutes of silence, peace and a moment of reflection.

From the Silva Method we know that meditation is the key and the starting point so you can make your life a much better place and enjoy an incredible wellbeing and a better quality of life.

And not only that its benefits are sufficiently tried and tested as to be Establish a compulsory subject in the school of life.

If all meditáramos, we would live much better.

But for that, you must first know why it’s so good to meditate.

We do not give you a reason, neither 10 nor 20 … but 100 reasons to meditate.

Do you dare to discover its many benefits?

Meditation: 100 reasons why you should meditate

Meditate is the ideal technique to cushion the mind and body of the constant attacks of stress relaxation.

But it is also an enjoyable and effective way to transform your life.

You can meditate while walking, while you take a shower or while traveling. You can also meditate at home in the outdoors or in the office … But either way, you now have the opportunity to turn it into a habit that will change your life forever.

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If you have not already, we recommend downloading our free mini course ” You Sin Fronteras “: a series of lessons in which you learn how to enter and how to meditate Alfa successful while learning the keys to transform your life. Click here to access the free lessons now.
And so you know everything you spend a few minutes a day to meditate can do for you, here you share 100 reasons to meditate. We hope you like them !????

1. Help to experience deep inner peace.

2 . You connect with your “I” inside.

3 . It increases the amount of gray matter in your brain.

4 . Increases performance.

5 . Develop greater emotional understanding.

6 . It is necessary to take control of your life.

7 . It produces a greater sense of well – being.

8 . Invites develop greater compassion for others.

9 . Creates a more positive outlook on life.

10 . It helps you take control of your thoughts.

11 . Change your perception about life.

12 . Raise your present level of consciousness.

13 . Deeply relax your body and your mind.

14 . It makes consciously control your brainwave patterns.

15 . Increases IQ and intelligence level.

16 . Increase your overall energy levels.

17 . Increase your concentration levels.

18 . Increase your levels of internal motivation.

19 . It helps build a stronger immune system.

20 . It makes your life easier.

21 . It helps you learn more about yourself.

22 . It influences the purposes of self-mastery.

23 . Consciously controls unconscious bodily functions.

24 . It helps reduce cholesterol levels.

25 . ‘Wake up’ your mind.

26 . It will consciously control your reality.

27 . Low stress levels.

28 . Induces good mood and negativity away.

29 . Develops intuition.

30 . It makes you even happier.

31 . Soothe your mind.

32 . Strengthens the heart.

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33 . Improves blood flow to the brain.

34 . Builds new neural connections in the brain.

35 . Increases vitality in general.

36 . Help manifest your desires.

37 . Reduces chronic pain.

38 . It serves to try something new and beneficial.

39 . Positive impact on your self – esteem.

40 . It really is an interesting practice.

41 . It gives the brain a quick “update”.

42 . You can use it as a complement to take a nap.

43 . It helps solve problems.

44 . It is good to transcend space and time.

45 . It is an escape from the physical world.

46 . Softens the mind and body.

47 . It is a healthy alternative to television.

48 . Healing past traumas.

49 . Improves memory.

50 . It connects with the universe.

51 . Improve your ability to visualize.

52 . It makes you develop greater empathy.

53 . Increases wisdom.

54 . Used to know and guide your ego.

55 . It helps deploy the full potential of your soul.

56 . It makes you develop a creative mind.

57 . It is essential apara personal growth.

58 . It provides greater job satisfaction.

59 . Increases a more balanced and stable personality.

60 . It is ideal if you want to change any attitude.

61 . It helps create peace on Earth.

62 . It brings coherence.

63 . Change your attitude towards life.

64 . Spend more time with yourself.

65 . Musing improve your negative behavior patterns.

66 . Improves the quality and clarity of thought.

67 . It helps develop a more positive personality.

68 . Improving relationships and your social life.

69 . It makes you feel relaxed in any environment.

70 . It helps you discover the purpose of your life.

71 . It reduces and even helps overcome insomnia.

72 . It helps to leave a drug addiction.

73 . Helps get rid of limiting beliefs.

74 . It helps you increase your brain power.

75 . Helps get rid of a negative habit.

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76 . It is a source of ideas.

77 . Restrains anger (and other negative emotions) and avoid the fight.

78 . Improve your sex life and libido.

79 . Lowers blood pressure.

80 . It helps prevent devastating diseases.

81 . It helps prevent brain aging.

82 . It is a springboard toward your goals, and makes get difficult they may seem.

83 . Replaces suffering for understanding.

84 . Also it serves to develop a state of detachment.

85 . Aids in the production of vital neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

86 . It increases the production of healthy hormones.

87 . Physical deterioration and slows the aging process.

88 . It helps overcome “bumps”.

89 . Work and increases productivity.

90 . Develops a more open mind.

91 . You’re giving a healthy for others to follow suit.

92 . It’s an easy practice to learn.

93 . Meditation gives you something to do when you’re bored.

94 . Minimizes acute and chronic pain.

95 . Also serves to clean the chakras.

96 . It helps develop greater mind-body connection.

97 . Replace invites aggression assertiveness.

98 . Program the brain to go to situations that will increase your success.

99 . It helps you improve any area of your life.

100 . No side effects.

What did you think all that meditation can do for you?

The Silva Method Life offers several techniques and tools to help you make the most of meditation and can make your life where you always wanted to be.

It also has guaranteed to have helped millions of people around the world and has the support of science.

If you want more information on the benefits of meditation on the Silva Method and everything we can do for you you can come here and find all the answers (and more!) To your questions.

Because you deserve a life filled with peace, welfare and purposes compliments!