Silva History: Octavio and his beginnings With the Silva Method …

Silva Method Results

Today we have the great pleasure to share with you the story of Octavio Monroy Jaramillo from Mexico taking its first steps but super pontentes in meditation and mind control.

How did you decide to start with Silva?

It was in September, while searching Youtube some music and topics related to meditation, I had access to some web pages with the promotion of Silva Method. For me it was a great “taste” see that you have been able to continue the work of Don José Silva, leading to higher levels of efficiency, and now access and webcasting. I was interested immediately know their 8 lessons, with the intention of comparing them with the information from the book “Your Healer. The Silva Mind Control Method “. I can not remember how many years ago, an aunt did us the favor of giving us this wonderful book your dad, but I can assure you that since then, this book has always accompanied me in my bedroom bureau.

Why I was interested and I was so interested in the Silva Method? Actually there are two main “reasons” for his method has become one of the cornerstones of my life:

The first is because in my youth (in the 80s) had the opportunity to study the Masters in Neuroscience and Animal Behavior, and since then one of my fields of interest has been the relationship between brain and mind. Locked for years in a purely “academic” approach, focus and discoveries that made Don Jose Silva in this field seemed simply “great.” Because it not limited only neuronal or cerebral aspects (alpha wave) or mental or psychological aspects (of hypnosis or meditation); but found a way to sort of “integrate” many major discoveries in both fields with a “practice” = purpose a control method Cerebral-Mental focused on achieving Goals = useful for coping, for personal fulfillment .

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The second reason (the staff), it is because in recent years I learned I’m not a “mentally normal” person, but all my life I had called “Asperger Syndrome”, which has always affected my social life and family. My field of work and particular interest for more than 3 decades has been “Selection of Bees” and that want to move forward as far as life allows. However, I feel that over the years my brain and my mind no longer work with the same efficiency. But above all, I increasingly more difficult social interaction; and this is taken me to levels of “isolation” increasing. I would like “dream” it is these problems that their method may help me more !!!

So when through its 8 Free lessons saw that his work was “very professional” as Don Jose Silva, then immediately I wanted to participate in its course; to which I had access, thanks to promotions from last month.

What were your first feelings when you saw the material, the page with audio and what you think your experience as a student and our attention?

Since I had access to the 1st Audio Free lesson “Centralizing Alfa” gave me great pleasure to see “professionally” of their work; especially as I realized that regardless of all aspects “theoretical” that can be treated, you also have the main axis of “Practical Applications” from his method.

Needless to say than “friendly” is your page on the Web. I simply told them about it the same day I had access from that evening have on my personal computer all materials corresponding to its 10 modules; In addition to the 5 bonuses that are included there.

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Thank you very much for all the attention they have given me through the network (in my case the attention of Tatiana Cabrera Camargo). As I promised, to 10 days of my purchase I received my house 10 CDs Course. They all work perfectly and he will certainly be “the best Christmas gift” that I can give my daughter Tania end of this year.

During this month I managed to listen and “understand” the first 2 modules. I know that going “very slow” with respect to the proposed hearing a Module “day” pace? … Let me tell you that “for me” is just the amount of information discussed in each Audios, I begin to “assimilate and understand “until I have heard and repeated many times, and once you’ve taken some notes, to” sum up “the most important thing there is said in a sort of” agenda “I’m preparing for me.

Now, with great interest, I’m starting with the third module, and personally I have no “no hurry”; and I hope that what remains is “interesting” as what I’ve seen so far.

What were the results you got so far?

Since the month of July they sent me the 1st Audio to enter the alpha level, I heard before sleep in every night as I could. But it was after I arrived Course materials a month, I have tried to practice-meditate at least once a day makes.

I must tell you that practicing some self-hypnosis in my youth, I had had access to the top levels of “relaxation” of that mental state, that the Silva Method is called “Alpha State”.

With practice done so far, and on several occasions I have been able to reach levels of “tranquility” and “clarity” which have allowed “feel” me and “see” important aspects to improve my life.

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For me the greatest progress achieved so far, has been able to become conscious “in my daily life” of my reactions “Stress = Fears and Rabias” and my “Permanent Negative Thoughts Mental Dialogue”; and they can be first stop by “deep breaths and relaxing.”

You perhaps may seem “a little”, but let me tell you that for me, my whole life I have lived permanently in a morass of negative thoughts and “stress”; the power they experience these first experiences of “mind control” are more than “motivators” to move forward.

What you recommended / or recommend the course to someone else?

For now the only one I’ve had the opportunity to discuss some aspects of the Silva Method has been with my wife Silvia Lara Torres Bióloga. But as I already said, I consider it “so important” I think it will be the best gift I can give my daughter Tania this Christmas.

I totally agree with you about our society can improve the more people know and implement the techniques of the Silva Method. And here I am thinking of so many people who have never had access to the world of meditation or prayer; or particularly in those who “like me” throughout our lives we lost con-bond “so many charlatans” whose aims are “just business”, or who are at the forefront of many religious groups.

So, ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ all hope that we return through their techniques in the Silva Method !!!