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Summer – yoga time for beginners

So you’ve decided to try it.
Feel how
yoga gradually energizes all areas of your life, because it is not a sport and not a diet, it’s a whole philosophy and a particular perception of the world. Meditation, slow, eating right and enjoying every moment here and now – all this wealth is already part of your life.

Yoga could enchant you at any time of the year, but the newcomer, who chose for himself this way, it is easiest to start in the summer.
It seems that the very nature of help and support. You nice to wake up in the morning to the singing of the birds and do morning practice at sunrise, it is easier to find like-minded people and to gather in the morning in the park, to soak up the energy of the sun, earth, wind, trees.

In the summer it is easier to adjust the power supply system.
The very philosophy of yoga – it is a gradual, smooth and soft with respect for your body. The heat reduces the need for the usual heavy food, and to abandon it would be easy, but in the past month you remade the power so that it is more and you do not need. In the summer a particularly large selection of seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs – and so easy and fun to try new flavors, combinations and recipes that will fill you with energy. Gradually, you will see that the new light food can delight you all year round.

Use your summer vacation for dating with like-minded, experienced practitioners.
Instead of the usual all inclusive visit international seminar on yoga, sign up for a course known master or go to the ashram. You will feel like a new philosophy penetrates into your life and fills with energy and light of every cell.

See also  How to meditate? Learn to meditate step by step

Are you concerned that this would require additional costs?
Try as much as possible to dive into the process and not worry about the means – if necessary, you will support
the bank. Online credit card registration only takes a few minutes. And the card delivered to you free of charge at any convenient for you time and place.

When there are no obstacles, so good start!


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