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5 useful habits

“To form good habits better at an early age, as this will help you to maintain youth and health for many years”, – says Director of the Institute on Aging, University of California – “This can not be too early or too late to start thinking about your health and preservation of youth. ”
If you want to look beautiful and cheerful, now and in the future, we advise you to start to form good habits from now on.

Habit 1. Move more to keep the bones dense

“The bone tissue, as well as other tissues of the body, constantly updated, and it can be updated more quickly if you exercise and eat well”, – says Susan Brown, author of “Healthy bones – a healthy body.”
Bone density is lost with age. However, you can slow down the process due to an active lifestyle. Effect of exercise on bone continues to be studied. But now we know that jogging, weightlifting and
yoga help build up bone tissue, because during exercise includes resistance against the force of gravity that causes the growth of bone tissue.

Habit 2. Fight with depression for good brain function

Study of more than 13,000 people, conducted by the University of California showed that depressed people are more likely to develop dementia (dementia) than their optimistic peers.
Do not worry about nothing! If you suddenly overtaken by depression, look for ways to deal with it. It can be sports, talking with a psychologist, reading interesting books, etc.

3. Cultivate the habit of optimism for a healthy heart

See also  12 yoga postures to feel your body vibrate - MindYoga4U

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, optimism significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and directly influences the development of other cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure.
Try to be happy, find time for activities that bring you good mood and do good deeds for others.

Habit 4. Consume fats to be energetic

Eat more monounsaturated fats.
They are found in olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados. This will help protect your memory and cognitive skills.

Habit 5. Eat colorful foods for healthy skin

For beautiful skin eat more orange-red products: tomatoes, peppers, papaya and carrot.
Recent studies have shown that people with a higher concentration of carotenoids in the skin have fewer wrinkles and less susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun.

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