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Founder: AG Mohan – a disciple of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Svastha- yoga – refers to a soft, but at the same time powerful style of Hatha Yoga created by AG Mohan, one of the last pupils of the great T. Krishnamacharya. This style is the essence of the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya, the fruit of his nearly half a century yogaterapevticheskoy and Ayurvedic practices, saved and developed a family of Mohan. AG Mohan – yogaterapevt practitioner with over 20 years of experience. In our country Svastha yoga is Sergey Agapkin enrolled in Balmukund Singh in Delhi, “the National Institute of Yoga,” in Arora Sharath in the Himalayan “Iyengar Yoga Center” and AG Mohan in ” Svastha Yoga and Ayurveda” center.

This direction is the therapeutic yoga, because this practice is aimed at correcting health and conscious awakening forces of the body, it is characterized by soft and gentle approach to employment. This style combines detailed detuning asanas, maintaining static and dynamic The process for entering the asana and exit from it (Vinyasa Krama) and focuses on compensating postures (pratikriyya- asana ). Svastha Yoga gives each person a valuable opportunity to return to a healthy state of the body, forget about tormenting diseases and injuries. Thanks to the efficient combination of strength training and exercises to increase flexibility, it develops a muscular corset, creates good posture and increases stamina, mobility of joints and ligaments.

Who can practice Svastha yoga : This style is ideal for people who suffer from a wide variety of physical ailments, the specifics of which determines the direction of practice.

See also  How many Yoga Asanas are best for beginners?

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