A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

The gift of truth – MindYoga4U

Very good, dear yogi or yogini.

Today I want to tell you about an issue that affects us all, which is present in our daily lives: the truth.

Satya is the second principle of yoga, preceded by Ahimsa and Love.

I wish you shopped in your mind something that is causing you a problem in your life today.

Close your eyes, take a
few deep breaths and analyzes. Do you think that this conflict has to do with the lack of proper communication? Perhaps your party or any other party involved in the matter. Do you think that if both sides tell the truth – that this truth at the right time, the right person, without hurting or causing damage – were not all easier to solve? Do not you think that way the relationship evolve more harmoniously?

But before demanding others say the truth, we must begin decĂ­rnosla ourselves. Sometimes we are filled with layers of conditioning, fears to be who you really are. And it costs me connect with my body in winter with many layers and so many clothes (you?), As well but costs us much more deeply connect with the truth of our being.

On 31 May in Madrid, we will conduct a Day of Yoga especially focused on this issue: Satya, the road to truth. It is an opportunity to take away layers and connect no longer alone with our body, but in the deepest part of ourselves. Is an opportunity to address these fears, the insecurity that prevents you tell the truth and live from the truth and from love.

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For me it has been a long road. The tools have gotten very slowly and is why I decided to share what they learned. Now I find it easy to convey that to me has been useful for me to enter this path of self-knowledge. I feel that if he had received this information, if you have shared with others in the way you propose to do, it would have been simpler, with less friction. This is the main motivation for this meeting.

physical yoga

Yoga Day in Madrid
Yoga Day in Madrid

Through yoga asanas or postures which will practice on the part of the physical yoga, we can see if we’re telling the truth to ourselves. It’s a great way to see if there really proper communication between mind and body. Sometimes the mind tells us that we are tired before our body is, and laziness appears. By contrast, at other times we force our bodies because we want to improve ourselves or others, without respecting our physical and mental state and we hurt. Physical yoga practice is an opportunity to find that balance, to learn where that fine line between laziness of the struggle with the body. I invite you in every practice you do the experiment.

On the day of Yoga in Madrid, will also be
a good laboratory to establish this connection. In a familiar environment (be between 10 and 15 people, family members of MindYoga4U), with an energy and a special vibration in such a natural environment in the Sierra de Madrid, we will make this journey into our own truth, and the truth that we express to others.

“The gift of truth is more exalted than any other gift.”



Yoga Day in Barcelona
Yoga Day in Barcelona

There is another thing you should always keep in mind: Remember that satya, truth, must not conflict with Ahimsa, love and nonviolence. We must also learn to tell the truth without adding more pain to the other person. Our well this truth, with love, and the right person at the right time, can be a tool for growth, creating an environment where you can reflect together. As I read it once, we must know the difference between “truth and sincericidio”.

On May 31 you will have the opportunity to meet people who like you are in your own search. And this search is nothing without the relationships that invite us to know even more, watching us through how we relate. It is an opportunity to be yourself, with others being themselves. Open the heart through the truth. Is not it a great way to encounter?

The experience of the previous day Yoga we have made in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia has been key to give me strength to continue these events, despite the challenges that may arise along the way. No one has been indifferent to the energy we create, to hugs and shared emotions.

Imagine two people trying to reach each other, if known, but are at sea and no waves, there is a great storm of ideas, of thoughts, of conditioning. Is real communication difficult. Until one day agree and down below the sea swimming and embrace, establishing a direct connection without interference.

This event is an invitation to a deep sharing. Practicing yoga will also extend off the mat, reminding us not only our own way, but the experience of the unity that we all are.

You can see a picture taken yesterday at the Yoga Festival in Valencia. Another great day of joy, sharing and so much love.

Yoga Spring Festival - Valencia 2014
Yoga Spring Festival – Valencia 2014

Meditation inner child

On this Day of Yoga I propose we’ll have another great gift that will be the opportunity to meet with our inner child. Through a guided meditation we will be able to connect to that little being within. Telling the truth is an inherent childhood where they do not have so many fears and conditionings quality. Connect with the child within us allow us to know more, keep taking away layers to get to feel. It is another step in this path to self-knowledge through our own truth.

Pranayama practice

The practice of pranayama or control techniques of breathing are another tool in the path of consciousness and self – knowledge.

Controlling our breathing, we gradually more control over our minds, and it will be easier to
reach our truth and share it with proper communication.

In any situation, instead of reacting with anger, impulse, practice yoga and pranayama it helps stop us, to feel, to see what happens inside us.
In this way we can take time to pass those thoughts by heart before expressing them to the right person at the right time.

Frequent questions

  • I have never practiced yoga, or what I’ve done but not regularly. Is this an objection?

    On the contrary, I feel that this event may be the final push to encourage the regular practice of yoga, which will bring many benefits to your life in every aspect.
  • Does the meal is included in the price?

    Yes, vegetarian food made with much love and good taste, is included in the price.
    And a light snack that will midmorning tea and biscuits. This can also be an opportunity for you to learn a little more vegetarian diet and its benefits. During the meal, if you have any questions You can ask!
  • Financially I can not participate in the event, but I would like. Is there any alternative?

    Of course.
    If this is your case please contact me and we can see.
  • I can not participate all day. Can I come and go before eating?

    Yes, you can.
    Although you lose an important part of the activity, but less is better than nothing! In that case, too write me to tell you the price without food.
  • I have some doubts more about the event, can we talk?

    Of course.
    Send me your number to call and talk.

The invitation

This is my invitation to a journey into your own truth, to take away layers to let go of everything we can spare. An opportunity for the company of other people can share looking at our hearts, not the character who created us from the others. We all, working individually and in team unity.

Do you get on
the train? Here are our hands outstretched to hold you and guide you, as tools for the journey.

On this page you can see more details and booking the event <<


Sun, Marina and naylin

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