The incredible story of Jose Silva

Jose Silva

Jose Silva was born on August 11, 1914, in Laredo, Texas. When he was four years old, his father died. His mother later remarried, and he and two brothers, an older sister and a younger brother, went to live with his grandmother. Two years later he became who fed the family by selling newspapers, shining shoes, and doing normal jobs. In the evenings he watched his sister and brother do their homework, and that helped him learn to read and write.

He never went to school, except to teach.

The output of poverty Joseph started a day waiting his turn in the barber shop. His knowledge barely reached to read something. What it took was a lesson from a correspondence course on how to repair radios. Joseph borrowed, but the barber said it would rent only, and provided that Joseph finished exams correspondence course on behalf of the barber. Each week Jose paid a dollar, read the lesson, and ended the test.

Soon a diploma was hung from the barbershop, while across the entire city José, with just 15, he began repairing radios.

The years passed and his repair business became one of the largest in the area, providing the necessary funds for the education of his brother and resources to his sister, plus a few dollars marry to finance nearly half a million dollars he demanded twenty years of research that led to his systems training the mind.

The man who was interested in investigating Silva was a psychiatrist whose job was to ask men who were inducted into the Army during World War II.

“Moja you. Your bed?” Asked the psychiatrist. Joseph was surprised. “He likes women?” These questions astonished Joseph, who was the father of three children at the time, and someday it would be destined to be the father of ten.

Surely, he thought, the man knew more about the human mind than the barber knew about radios. Why such strange questions?

Perplexity at this time Joseph began an odyssey through scientific research that led him to become one of the most creative scholars of his age. Freud, Jung, and Adler were his earliest teachers.

These uncomfortable questions took on a deeper meaning, and soon Joseph was ready to take a question himself:

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Can you use hypnosis to improve learning ability of people? In fact, Can improve your IQ?

At that point IQ was thought of as something that we are born, but Joseph was not so sure.

The question had to wait while he studied advanced electronics to be an instructor. When he was fired, with only $ 200 in his pocket, he slowly began to rebuild his radio repair business.

In parallel he worked teaching part-time at the University of Laredo the first and second year where he supervised three other teachers and was responsible for creating electronics laboratories college.

Five years later, with television scene, his repair business began to flourish and Jose called a halt to his teaching career.

His business again became the largest in the city. Their working days ended about 9pm every night. He supped, helped put the kids in bed, and when the house was quiet, studied for almost three hours. His studies led him further into the field of hypnosis.

What he learned about hypnosis, the more I knew about electronics, and some bad grades in school newsletters his sons brought him back the question can increase the ability to learn or improve IQ with some kind of mental training ?

Can Improve the ability to learn training Mind?

Joseph knew that the mind generates electricity – he had read about experiments early in the century that revealed the rate of alpha brain wave. And he knew, for his work in electronics that the ideal circuit is the one with least resistance, or impedance, because it makes better use of electricity.

Then he asked himself:

Can we lower our brain impedance?
If so Is our brain work more effectively?

Jose began using hypnosis to calm the minds of their children and discovered what appeared to be a paradox. He found that the brain was more energetic when it was less active. At lower frequencies the brain received and stored more information. The crucial problem was how to keep the mind alert when these frequencies are associated more daydreaming than practical activity.

Hypnosis permitted the receptivity Jose was looking for, but not the kind of independent thinking that leads to things to be understood. Keep in mind many things remembered is not enough; the ability to understand is necessary, too.

José Silva Find the Answers with Mental Training

Soon, Joseph abandoned hypnosis and began experimenting with mental relaxation exercises to train the brain and keep it more independent and alert than in hypnosis. This would lead to better memory combined with a greater ability to understand and therefore a rate higher IQ.

Exercises which techniques evolved Silva tried to be relaxed and concentration techniques Vivid Display to achieve the lowest levels of brain activity. Once reached, these levels proved more effective than fully awake level, the beta level to learn.

The intelligence of their children mejoraró surprisingly over a period of three years while he continued to improve his techniques.

Joseph had reached a new discovery, very important and significant, other studies, mainly biofeedback have confirmed. He was the first person to prove that we can learn new skills despite being at frequencies of alpha and theta brain.

Another discovery, equally amazing, was coming …

La Hija De Silva Read His Mind

One night Joseph’s daughter had gone to her “center” (to use current terminology system life), and Joseph asked her about her studies. She answered every question and thought about the next. This was the procedure generally used, and the session was not so far nothing different from the hundreds that had gone before. Suddenly, the routine was momentarily changed.

Joseph would approach the question in your mind first, before doing so verbally. His daughter answered the same question he planned to ask – before he had the chance to express verbally.

She repeated this several times. Joseph would frame only question in his mind and she would answer.

She read her mind.

This happened in 1953 when ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) became a respectable subject for scientific research, largely thanks to the published Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine of Duke University work. Joseph wrote to Dr. Rhine to report that he had trained his daughter for PES and received a disappointing response.

Dr. Rhine hinted that she may have been psychic before beginning training. Without the evidence of the girl before training, there was no way to tell.

Meanwhile, neighbors of Joseph noted that the academic performance of their children had improved significantly. At the beginning of his experiments this highly religious people had been careful. However, the success of a man who worked with his own children could not be ignored. Did Joseph would train their children too?

“He had developed the first method in history with which train anyone to use ESP”

After the letter from Dr. Rhine, this was just what Jose needed. If he had done it with a child this could be achieved with others. He would have reached repeatable experiments that are the basis of the scientific method.

Over the next 10 years he trained 39 Laredo children, with even better results because their techniques had evolved with each child.

He had developed the first method in history with which train anyone to use ESP, and had 39 repeatable experiments to prove it. Now he had to perfect the method.

Silva Method Course Takes Shape

In the next three years, Jose developed the course of mind training, which is now standard and as effective with adults as with children. Then it took 40 to 48 hours. It has declined since that time, now takes 18 to 20 hours with the refinement of some techniques.

It has been validated so far 1,000,000 experiments – the graduates of the course. This is a measure of repeatability that no open-minded scientist can ignore.

These long years of research were funded by their increasingly large electronics business. No college funds, foundation or government available for field research so unusual and unfamiliar. With all this success, José did not become a celebrity, or a spiritual leader nor a guru to his followers or disciples. He was a man of simple manners common, speaking softly and almost lost Mexican American accent. He was a strong man with a friendly face smiled easily.

Anyone who asked Jose what success has meant for him, would respond with a barrage of success stories.

And entoces Jose Silva began the work of creating the Silva Method Life.

This is the story of the beginning of the Silva Method, now I ask you, and what you have with what stories Silva? Leave us your experience, we love to hear the stories of all students across the world Silva.