Understand our mind to grow from serenity here and now

Understanding our mind to grow from the serenity here and now

Understanding our mind Thich Nhat Hanh in Editorial Kairos


To understand our mind is not only necessary silence and meditation , but an attitude of humility and clairvoyance. Just what teaches the Master Thich Nhat Hanh in this book that introduces us to the Buddhist psychology.

As I always like to say in my literature recommendations , it is not necessary to be a Buddhist to understand, but rather try to make the right match those teachings to develop yourself as a human being.

I’m interested in everything from the practice of spirituality gives me learning practices for my daily life and knows that much Nhat Hanh.

Learn how the teachings you will find throughout the book, they take you to understand our mind nurturing the seeds of joy and transformation of suffering experienced by each more worrying time, loss of contact with the present moment.

The author teaches us that “cultivate a deep understanding of the mind is essential to make peace on this planet possible” and that first and only intended me to enter it in the depths of a book.

But to understand our mind, we also need to desinhibas you from your own way of seeing and understanding the world. Of your judgments and values ​​of our ongoing craze compartmentalize everything.

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Nhat Hanh, to make us understand our mind, try to upgrade, leading the life of our daily life here and now, 50 verses about the nature of consciousness teacher Vasubandhu.

These teachings are the basis for work on understanding our minds and awaken to put aside suffering and achieve serenity that we all seek.

Divided into 6 parts: The deposit of conscience, Manas, mental awareness, sensory consciousness, the nature of reality and the path of practice, this is a book that, directly linked to the tradition of Buddhism, it can be read by any layperson wishing to enter or delve into the complicated task of understanding our mind.

As always, the important thing is to read the word of a master like Thich Nhat Hanh that never disappoints in each of his teachings.


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