Vicente Merlo with wisdom and gratitude for life

Vicente Merlo

With this work of Vicente Merlo, it is clear that there is an “integral wisdom and opens a door to hope in this crazy world we live in.


“Wisdom and gratitude.” Vicente Merlo. Editorial Kairos


Announces it and Vicente Merlo in the prologue of this interesting work also recommend read before or after another great book as it’s “A Theory of Everything” Wilber is, as the subtitle indicates, a holistic view of science, politics, business and spirituality.

Vicente Merlo says that “there is reason for hope” and that “Despite the critical moments we are going through, humanity as a whole, and the planet Earth as a whole, there is reason for hope.”

A hope that we discover throughout the book . Indeed, a book that also comes with a music CD you will have to listen very peace and attention.

Vicente Merlo book is divided into two parts. In a first, it is the author who tells us how to live from the wisdom and gratitude ending in the final chapters, referring to different modes of wisdom, like the Buddhist, transpersonal, moral, love, ecological, meditation and the sustained appreciation in the hymn of gratitude.

It is a slow book reading and attention and displayed at his words from a good open mind, and from the practice of mindfulness, be not judging each page.

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Read, enjoy and feel the wisdom and gratitude of us speaks Vicente Merlo.


In the second part of the book, Merlo, Ph.D., a wise man who has lived many years in India and is a founding member of the Society of Indic and Oriental Studies and the Spanish Transpersonal Association, and author of other books like ” meditate “ , the fascination of the East: the silence of meditation “ or ” the call of the new era “ , gives voice to a number of good authors that speak of life from gratitude and wisdom.

Hence, in this second part of the book ( I confess that I started reading it out there, led by the interest of some items such as Rafael Redondo on “Zen, from the heart of a practice ” that of Vicente Gallego on “Gratitude it is Being and Being is gratitude “ or the Tashi Vasudeva entitled” dynamic Moments of silence “ ) will find 14 excellent personal texts about work and bienhacer of wisdom and gratitude.

Vicente Merlo

With the book in its paper version brings a music CD

Close Vicente Merlo this essential book with an epilogue in which he asks “to what extent I have been able to express his idea and the feeling that possessed me: the existence of a truly comprehensive wisdom, far beyond scientific theories and dominant philosophical and the beauty of the feeling of gratitude welling up in the contemplation of the marvelous order which governs our lives and the cosmos as a whole. “

And yes, I closed the book after a deep breath feeling that Vicente Merlo had hit the jackpot with this good book.

Pain of my wife, I have mania to read with a highlighter in hand and a pen next to annotate. That allows me (my poor memory is prodigious and admire who is able to remember long quotations) back from time to time to meet a wisdom that always tells me something new.

That said, you have here a book whose reading I recommend earnestly to discover and rediscover how wonderful it is to feel gratitude, well capitalized.

And last invitation to read and enjoy, as I said earlier, do not read the book through “you ‘re right , ” but rather open your heart all you can , because as Vicente Merlo points to reference the scientistic paradigm saying that that “outside of science no valid explanation” that is “like the frog in the pond or pastor in his village or medieval in their world, unable to take seriously the existence of other water bodies incomparably wider, other far more advanced than the people of other worlds away from his egocentric and geocentric look “own cities.

Like life itself. Leelo to leave your thought on “comfort zone” mode and be free. Wisdom and gratitude they deserve.

short stories to think

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