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We translate and teach asanas of yoga

This article will help you understand the value of yoga asana names and accelerate the process of remembering them.


Falling – leg, foot

Hasta – hand

Gianni – knee

Shirshov – head

Angusht – thumb

mukha – the face, the muzzle of the animal

Bhuj – shoulder

KARNA – ear

ECA – one

DWI – two

Trinh – three


Pancha – five

SAT – six

sapta – seven

Ashta – eight

Nava – nine

Adho – down lower

Ang – branch portion limb (eg “astanga” – eight parts;. Chaturanga – 4 parts)

ardha – half

baddha – related pent caught, caught

Bandha – locking the obstruction

ConA – angle (e.g. . Trikonasana)

Namaste (salutation) – greeting

NIRALAMBA – unsupported ( “R & D” without far; “alamba” support, support)

PADMA – lotus

PARIVRITTA – inverted, twisted back

Paripurna – full, complete, completed

Parshva – side

Prasarita – expand , set widely

Salammbo – with the support ( “sa” together, accompanied by; ‘ala
IBA “support, support)

sarva – all, a fully

STAC – lying sleeping

SURYA – sun

TANN – pull, pulling, elongated (eg.
Uttanasana )

urdhva – up, the upper

Chandra – moon

For example:

Asanas, in the name of which includes the names of animals, etc .:

SHALABHASANA – “shalabha” – grasshoppers,
GARUDASANA – “Garuda” – a mythical eagle
USHTRASANA – “ustra” – the camel,
NAKRASANA – “covered” – a crocodile,
BHUDZHANGASANA – “bhudzhanga” – snake,
SIMHASANA – “simcha” – lion,
KRAUNCHASANA – “krauncha” – heron

Vrikshasana – “vrksa” – means tree.

BAKASANA – “tank” – Crane (ekapada bakasana – bakasana relying on one foot)

Mayurasana – “Mayura” – Peacock (Ekahasta Mayurasana – with one-hand support).

GOMUKHASANA – “Go” – a cow, “mukha” – the person (face).
KAPOTASANA – “hood” – dove ( Radzhakapotasana – royal blue or king pigeons).
BHEKASANA – “bheka” – Frog (Mandukasana – “Manduca” the same frog).

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And now a little more complicated!

UTTANASANA – “ut” – particles indicating deliberate intensity, and “tan” verb – pulling.

Chaturanga DANDASANA – “catur” – four, “anga” – of course, often, “danda” – a staff.

SHVANASANA – “Schwan” – dog (Urdhva mukha – muzzle upward adho mukha – snout down).

UTKATASANA – “utkata” – an extreme, strong, fierce.
PADANGUSHTHASANA – “fall” – stop, “angushtha” – the big toe.

PADAHASTASANA – “fall” – stop and “hasta” – hand.

Utthita Trikonasana – “Utthita” – elongated “Tricon” ( “three” – three “Kona” – angle) – triangle.
PARIVRITTA Trikonasana – “parivritta” – turned, twisted, “Tricon” – a triangle.
Utthita PARSHVAKONASANA – “Parsva” – side by side, “Kona” – angle.
Prasarita PADOTTANASANA – “Prasarita” – extended, straightened, “falls” – stop.
PARSHVOTTANASANA – “Parsva” – or side by side, “Uta” ( “ut” – intensive, “Tan” – pulling, lengthened).

Utthita hasta PADANGUSHTASANA – “Utthita” – an elongated, “hasta” – hand, “padangushtha” – the big toe.

Ardha baddha PADMOTTANASANA – “Ardha” – half, “baddha” – related, “Padma” – lotus and “Uta” – extension.
VIRABHADRASANA – “Virabhadra” – a warrior.
DANDASANA – “danda” – a stick, stick.
Paschimottanasana – “pashchima” – west. Also – the entire rear side of the body from head to toe. “Uta” – extension.
PURVOTTANASANA – “Purva” – east. Also – the entire front storonatela from the forehead to the socks. “Uta” – extension.

Ardha baddha PADMA PASHCHIMOTTANASANA – “Ardha” – half, “baddha” – caught and “Padma” – lotus.

TRIANGMUKHAIKAPADA PASHCHIMOTTANASANA – “three” – three, “ang” – part of “Mukha” – a person, “eka” – one “falls” – leg.

Gianni Sirshasana – “Jan” – the knee, “Shirsha” – the head.
MARICHIASANA – sage Marici.
NAVASANA – “Nava” – a boat or ship.

BHUDZHAPIDASANA – “bhuja” – shoulder, “RDA” – compression pressure.

KURMASANA – “Kurma” – a turtle.

STAC KURMASANA – “supta” – sleeping, lying, “Kurma” – a turtle.

Garbha PINDASANA – “garbha Pinda” – the embryo in the womb.

Baddha Konasana – “baddha” – grasped, held, and “Kona” – angle.
KUKKUTASANA – “kukkuta” – cock.

Baddha Konasana – “baddha” – caught, retained, “Kona” – angle.

UPAVISHTA Konasana – “upavishta” – sedentary, “Conan” – the angle.

Supta Konasana – “supta” – sleeping lying, “Kona” – angle.

STAC PADANGUSHTASANA – “supta” – sleep, “padangushta” – the big toe.

Ubhaya PADANGUSHTASANA – “ubhaya” – both “padangushta” – the big toe.

Urdhva mukha PASHCHIMOTTANASANA – “urdhva” – upward, “mukha” – a person.

SETUBANDHASANA – “Seto” – the bridge.

DHANURASANA – “urdhva” – upward, “Dhanur” – onions.
Salamba Sarvangasana – “sa” – with, together, “alamba” – support, support, “sarva” – all “anga” – part (of the body).
Halasana – “Halal” – plow.
KARNAPIDASANA – “karna ‘- ear,” RDA “- compression pressure.

Padmasana – “urdhva” – up

PINDASANA – “Pinda” – a ball, com.

MATSYASANA – “Matsya” – fish.

Uta PADASANA – “Uta” – open, open, “falls” – leg, foot.

CHAKRASANA – ” Chakra ” – the wheel.
Salamba Sirshasana – “Salamba” – to support, “Shirsha” – the head.

Urdhva DANDASANA – “Urdhva” – directed upwards, “danda” – stick, staff.

Baddha Padmasana – “baddha” – caught, held, “Padma” – lotus.

Padmasana – “Padma” – lotus.

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