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Yoga in the office or how to relieve fatigue

If you work in the office, then, from time to time, you are likely to experience physical stress. It is quite possible that you are experiencing mental strain, which is the result of constant efforts to cope with your duties and justify the demands placed on you.

The human body is intended for movement, an active way of life, it suffers if it is deprived of such an opportunity. Joints retain flexibility, and muscles – elasticity only when they work. Movement is natural and necessary, but most office positions are associated with a long sitting in the same pose. Along with physical exercise, you need fresh air, lots of oxygen, but since you spend most of the time in the room, you hardly get it. All this affects the physical health, mental ability, emotional stability, mood, ability to concentrate.

You probably think that physical exercises are a separate part of your daily life, for which you need to devote special time at the beginning and end of the day. However, it may be enough to give several minutes for charging a couple of times during the working day to relieve muscle tension and stress. If you develop the habit of including movements in your life in the office, you will avoid the fatigue that accumulates throughout the whole working day.

If you are worried about the idea of ​​how you will do exercises in the office, in front of people, please do not worry. Many of the movements are performed in such a way that they are not at all conspicuous, and you will become bolder when you feel that your studies benefit you.

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Shoulder lifting and blading

Take a deep breath and slowly lift your shoulders, as if you are trying to reach them to the ears. Exhale, lowering the shoulders and simultaneously bringing the shoulder blades together. Take the shoulder blades back with effort, as if you would like them to unite to the end.

Continue exhaling slowly, but with effort, lower your shoulders down, slightly pulling them back. Feel how the distance between the ears and shoulders increases. Imagine that in each hand you hold a heavy bag that pulls you down. Repeat the exercise as many times as you think necessary. Probably, after four or five times you will feel relief.

Turns of the head

This series of exercises is an adaptation of the section of yoga, called ” brahma mudra .” They can be performed separately or as preparatory exercises before stronger stretches. They will help relieve tension from the neck, will put in order the thoughts, help to focus. Perform movements slowly, being conscious of what you are doing, and synchronizing movements with breathing. Let your eyes direct your movements, and your head follows your gaze.

Take a breath, staring straight ahead, then look up at the ceiling. Throw your head back, but not very much so that you do not experience unpleasant sensations. Exhale, returning your head to its original position and gently tilting it forward, while trying to touch the chin of the throat cavity. Repeat the exercise two more times.

Take a breath, slowly turning your head to look over your right shoulder. Let the head follow the gaze. Exhale, returning the head to its original position and gently tilting it forward, while trying to touch the chin of the throat cavity.

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Return the head to its original position. Take a breath, slowly looking over your left shoulder. Exhale, returning your head to its original position and gently tilting it forward. Take a breath, returning your head to its original position – straight.

Repeat the turns twice.

Deflection of the spine

Take the starting position sitting and straighten the spine. Put your hands on your lower back, your thumbs pointing forward. Take a breath and stretch up, lifting and straightening the chest. On exhalation slowly bend back so that the back takes the form of a smooth arc, while continuing to lift the chest. Bring your shoulders back, clean the shoulder blades.

If there are no unpleasant sensations, slowly tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Hold this position for a while, while breathing should be free. Inhale and slowly return to the original vertical position.

Spinning of the spine

Place your left hand in front of you, touch the outside of your right thigh with your palm. Guide your right hand behind your back so that the back of your hand touches the waist on the left side.

Take a breath, straightening the spine from the pelvis and widening the chest. On exhalation, slowly turn your head to the right and look back over your shoulder. Let the eyes direct the movement: this will help keep your neck healthy and long.

Take a breath and stretch. Exhale and turn the upper part of the body as far as possible to the right. The right shoulder relax and take it back.

Hold in this position, breathing slowly and calmly. With each exhalation, let the rotation of the body increase. Do not force movement, just follow it in accordance with the breath.

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On inhalation, turn your face forward. Lower your hands. Repeat the turn in the other direction.

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