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What are the benefits of laughter yoga?

What are the benefits of laughter yoga? 5

Purpose and benefits of laughter yoga

The goal is that people laugh without reasoning, just as they did in childhood. In this way they manage to unload the insane emotions that have taken them off balance.

The best way to learn something is to see how others do it. So, the lot of DVD’s are there to guide How to do laughter yoga correctly. From this DVD you learn laughter yoga. To buy a DVD click this link.

What are the benefits of laughter yoga? 6


The importance of this type of technique lies in establishing a counterweight to stress and, therefore, avoid the development of associated diseases, derived mainly from an accelerated pace of life.

Some examples of the discomfort caused by stress are: heart disease, anxiety, depression, insomnia, stomach diseases or hypertension, among others.

What are the benefits of laughter yoga? 7

All these discomforts affect the mental and physical performance, so it is essential to neutralize them, and the yoga of laughter can represent an option.

The benefits of laughter yoga

  • Facilitates resistance when facing everyday challenges, by keeping a lighter perspective on events.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It provides greater arterial control by reducing cortisol or stress hormone.
  • It facilitates the production of endorphins and serotonin, which attacks depression and psychosomatic discomforts.
  • It locates practitioners in the present, so it frees the bonds of what has no remedy and concerns about the future.
  • Raises self-esteem by developing social skills.
  • Contributes to the brake of judgments and criticism, as well as anxiety.
  • Oxygenates the circulatory system.

See also  What are the best yogas to get rid of gastric problems?

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