What is bikram yoga, why is it “hot” and who does it suit?
Bikram yoga will be useful to everyone who wants to quickly get rid of excess weight.
The best way to learn something is to see how others do it. So, the lot of DVD’s are there to guide How to do bikram yoga correctly. From this DVD you learn bikram yoga. To buy a DVD click this link.
The 7 spiritual laws of yoga Deepak Chopra is a very famous author. In his book, the seven spiritual laws of yoga, he helps us with stressed methods to combat stress and stiffness. Yoga has become very popular and more and more people are doing it. In his book he wants to approach the spiritual dimension more. The […]
Yoga therapy for constipation Chronic constipation is one of the most common health problems in today’s societies. Around 12% of the world population suffers from this disorder. Some countries register even one third of their population with problems of this type. It is a problem in the lower part of the digestive system that is characterized by […]