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What is kayakalpa yoga?

What is kayakalpa yoga? 5

Kayakalpa Yoga Poses: Steps and Benefits

  • Kayakalpa yoga is highly acclaimed.
  • The Primary objective is to streamline body mechanisms.
  • It can slow down the ageing process.

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What is kayakalpa yoga? 6


Kayakalpa yoga is one of the highly acclaimed yoga poses, which is practised to enhance the energy of life. Primary objectives of kayakalpa yoga poses include streamlining body mechanisms, slowing the natural ageing process and extending lifespan. The yoga form involves physical being along with the consciousness. The practice of kayakalpa helps to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy.

Principle of kayakalpa yoga poses

Kayakalpa yoga helps in toning nerves and strengthening the central nervous system as a whole. The yoga practice activates crown charka, which is positioned in the centre of the forehead to affect energy flow. Involvement in the practice promotes a healthy body and a calm mind. In a nutshell, the principle of kayakalpa ensures physical fitness and spiritual satisfaction of the practitioner.

What is kayakalpa yoga? 7

Practising kayakalpa yoga poses

  • Kayakalpa encompasses breathing exercises and activities that help energy flow throughout the body to improve health.
  • Kayakalpa yoga emphasises on relaxation, breathing and energy control. There should not be any distraction in breathing and energy focus.
  • Kayakalpa pose is performed in a relaxed and seated position.
  • Kayakalpa breathing practices such as fire breath emphasise the intent as well as the structure of breathing. A practitioner breathes in and out slowly followed by exhaling forcefully through the mouth. The technique relaxes and cleans up the lungs.
  • Bastika is another technique of kayakalpa wherein the practitioner breathes in through the nose and breathes forcefully out through one nostril while closing the other one.
  • Kayakalpa also involves receiving therapies, massage and herbal treatments wherein the participant is asked to assume postures according to the prescription.
  • It should be practised under the supervision of a mentor.
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Benefits of kayakalpa yoga poses

  • Kayakalpa slows down the ageing process and extends the normal lifespan.
  • It boosts the immune system to prevent infections and diseases.
  • Practising kayakalpa helps to correct unhealthy habits and transforms lifestyle.
  • It decreases the likelihood of ill-effects of hereditary problems.
  • Kayakalpa yoga poses strengthen a woman’s reproductive system and prevent complications associated with menstrual cycles.
  • Yogic practice reduces the complications of chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, piles and skin diseases.
  • It ensures that brain cells remain active and perform at an optimum level.
  • Kayakalpa yoga pose enhances functions of the nervous system.
  • It brings emotional calmness and spiritual satisfaction.
  • It helps in correct alignment of cells by making few changes in the crown chakra.
  • Kayakalpa poses also involve physical activity, which helps to maintain weight.

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