A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

What is the purpose of meditation: Mindfulness or Enlightenment?

What is the purpose of meditation: Mindfulness or Enlightenment? 5

The Essence of Meditation

The true purpose of meditation

Here are some important points that emerged in the session on Thursday. We hope you find it useful:

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What is the purpose of meditation: Mindfulness or Enlightenment? 6


  • The aim of meditation is to transform our mind, or in other words, to recognize and familiarize ourselves with our mind when it is transformed.

  • Our usual state of distraction makes us think that there is only one “type” of mind, one that is always entangled in stories and concerns, but teachers warn us that these are only the appearances of the mind. In fact there is another type of mind 1 , which is revealed when we are able to release the stories, when we recognize them as mere appearances. That is the mind with which we must familiarize ourselves, the transformed mind, the mind in its natural state, the so-called essence of the mind.

What is the purpose of meditation: Mindfulness or Enlightenment? 7

The true purpose of meditation

  • The highest purpose of meditation is to awaken in us the true nature, similar to heaven, of the mind.

  • When we connect with the deep peace that comes from experiencing our true nature, important changes take place at a physical, emotional and spiritual level. This connection gives us great confidence. It is wisdom and compassion at the highest level.

  • If during life we ​​become familiar with our true nature, at the time of death we will not be afraid. Therefore, the most important task we can do in our life is to recognize the essence of the mind. Thinking, worrying and so on is just a waste of time that does not bring us any benefit.

A way to be

  • Meditation is a very natural process, in fact, the highest meditations are the most natural.

  • When you stay spacious, when you are simply, there is no objective to achieve. We are not trying to achieve anything or to get rid of anything. It is important to be totally natural and be as loose as we can. For this, he remains attentive, conscious and very spacious. I presented. Without expectations or fears. Comfortable, relaxed, loose and in touch with yourself.

  • PRACTICE FOR THE WEEK : Make the decision to sit every day, even if it’s only 5 minutes. Make a practice as simple and natural as possible, focusing on breathing and letting the mind calm down little by little.

This does not mean that there are two different minds, it is the same mind in two different “postures”: when it is turned outwards, lost in its projections or when it is turned inwards, recognizing its true nature.

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