A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

Yoga for Bone Health

Yoga for Bone Health 3

Bone loss with age becomes a serious problem. By 30 years of life, men and women reach their maximum bone mass. After this age, bone tissue begins to disappear, and in women it is faster than that of men. Bone loss (osteopenia) leads to serious disease – osteoporosis. According to research by the National Osteoporosis Foundation (USA), women lose 20% of the bone within 5-7 years after menopause. Scientists of the National Institute of Health (USA) found that the problem of bone loss can be controlled, if yoga and adhere to the plant-based diet. In addition, it was found that yoga
is effective in strengthening muscles, useful for joints and tendons. Here are 6 of evidence in favor of yoga with the problem of bone loss.

  • The exercises of yoga load is distributed evenly throughout the body, in turn, helps to strengthen the muscles and bones of the body, while avoiding their injury.
  • Yoga, of course, improves the flexibility and mobility of the joints, which is beneficial to their health.
  • Yoga distributes lubricating fluid between the joints, without letting it stagnate in one place.
  • Almost all yoga asanas involve the spine and pelvis, which heals the body as a whole.
  • Yoga prevents rounding of the spine, leaving a space between the vertebral discs.
  • Yoga Uluchay balance and coordination, agility and flexibility.
  • Yoga improves metabolism, thus helping calcium is well absorbed by the body.

Conducted by the National Health Research Institute has once again proved that even the fifteen-minute daily yoga classes allow you to stop progressive osteoporosis or fully restore bone health at an early stage of the disease.

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