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Yoga in Hollywood

Why Hollywood stars look so good?
Really it’s only plastic surgery? And here and there! Regular practice of yoga – that’s the secret of youth, slimness health singer Madonna, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker and Meg Ryan, top models Gisele Bundchen and Miranda Kerr.

Madonna and Ashtanga Yoga

Madonna, one might say, a professional yogini.
It was she who introduced the fashion of yoga in Hollywood. Pop queen three o’clock every day engaged in
Ashtanga yoga – yoga is very intense kind. Asanas are performed quickly, alternate in the same order, with the need to maintain a certain breathing rhythm. Ashtanga Yoga requires good physical preparation. During the lessons quickens the heartbeat, blood flow becomes more intense, eliminating toxins, waste products from the internal organs and muscles, saturating the body with oxygen.

Yoga – a metaphor for life, – says Madonna. – You can not come to something too soon or too late, you can make mistakes and have difficulties, but do not blame yourself and give up. You just breathe and let go of all the disturbing myself – it is training your body, mind, spirit. “

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Jennifer Aniston and Hatha Yoga

Hollywood diva Jennifer Aniston – a fan of
hatha yoga since 1996, and a stellar yoga instructor Mandy Ingber (Mandy Ingber) became her closest friend. “The body that you want starts with love to the body that you have”, – said Ingber.

Jennifer Aniston is a two-hour practice yoga at least three times a week.
Following the advice of his personal trainer, the star rotates hatha yoga, bikram yoga and

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yoga. “Yoga is not only allows me to stay in shape: be strong, but delicate hands and feet, trim press – it changed my way of thinking, made me more resilient to stress,” – says the actress.

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Nina Dobrev and Bikram Yoga

Canadian actress Nina Dobrev, star of TV series “The Vampire Diaries”, is regularly engaged in
Bikram yoga , “I love to try different kinds of fitness, but Bikram yoga is not changed. I do 2-3 times a week. I love yoga because it calms the body and spirit. These 90-minute meditation, when you can get away from the world and only belong to myself … Thanks to Bikram yoga I not only get a good cardio and strengthen the muscles, but also take care of the body: during training pores are open, they are breathing and the skin becomes noticeably better”.

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Rachel McAdams and Kundalini yoga

Hollywood star Rachel McAdams deals
Kundalini yoga every morning, at the same time can stand up for training at half past four in the morning! “Even walking or cycling in nature do not give a clear head, and the body – such holidays as Kundalini Yoga. It relieves the mind from the web and opens up your imagination, makes you feel light and full of energy. “

Phineas Maya (Maya Fiennes), a famous American instructor
of Kundalini Yoga , commented: “This kind of yoga – a direct way to achieve peace within and outside ourselves. It is the oldest, very spiritual form of yoga that combines breathing, movement and singing, which allows to link more closely the mind and body.

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Lady Gaga and Power Yoga

Outrageous singer Lady Gaga loves
power-yoga , actively commenting on his passion for Twitter. In one of the messages he urged all star “tear ass off the couch and go for power yoga ” and then coyly asked if she could come to class in your favorite cowboy boots. Lady Gaga does yoga for an hour a day to stay in shape, and another five minutes … devotes reflection to better understand itself. “My yoga teacher tells me to meditate for 15 minutes a day, but I declined this time, otherwise, I am afraid to lose my mind,” – says the singer.

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