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Yoga Nidra

Saraswati Swami Satyananda

The term ”
yoga nidra ” consists of two words: ‘ Yoga“- union, unity (unidirectional or consciousness) and” Nidra “- a dream. From the outside, it may seem that people practicing yoga nidra, simply put to sleep, while in reality his mind is still functioning, penetrating the subconscious. Therefore, yoga nidra is often called psychic sleep, deep relaxation with inner awareness when on the verge of sleep and wakefulness occurs spontaneously contact with the sphere of the subconscious and the unconscious. Yoga Nidra leads to a state of relaxation due to the diversion of consciousness from external impressions and dipping it in the deepest bowels of the psyche. A characteristic feature of yoga nidra – constant rotation (rotation) of consciousness in the body according to the tantric practice of Nyasa, ie fixation of consciousness to a certain point. Nyasa is practiced in a sitting posture, it requires the use of special mantras, which move and feel in different parts of the body. Initially called a part of the body, then it is rendered and touched her hand, and finally, to movemantra .

Yoga nidra is one of the most powerful methods not only for the formation of deep relaxation in a minimum amount of time, but also for the revival and degenerated nuclei of brain centers.
One hour yoga nidra equals four hours normal sleep. In yoga nidra borderline between sleep and wakefulness, made contact with the part of the super conscious and unconscious part of the psyche, which contains the last memory. Those experiences, which have been especially negative or painful, had been driven deep into the unconscious area of ​​our psyche which is hidden behind the conscious memories. However, they are still very active and are a source of fears and obsessions. Also in the unconscious part of the instinctive desires are constantly seeking expression through our consciousness. During Yoga Nidra, these unrealized desires are blocked out, thereby reducing stress and energy is released, which is contained in them. Yoga Nidra is sometimes compared with the hypnosis, but they have little in common. In hypnosis, one becomes very sensitive to external advice, Yoga Nidra – it is a way of increased self-awareness to monitor their own mental awakening.

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Yoga Nidra can be practiced sitting or standing, but normally it is performed lying on your back in shavasana.
The eyes remain closed throughout the practice. The body should be completely relaxed, no movement should not be administered during practice. When the body is completely relaxed, the mind is also relaxed. It is recommended to practice yoga nidra for 20-30 minutes before bedtime, at the same time improve the quality of sleep.

Who can practice yoga nidra : the practice of yoga nidra is shown not only to those who are physically and mentally exhausted, but also for those who are tired of a passive lifestyle. Yoga nidra is designed to rejuvenate and revitalize the physical, mental and emotional aspects of personality. The practice of yoga nidra is especially recommended for those looking for spiritual people who suffer from fear, tension, disharmony. It is also indicated for those who want to develop greater awareness and mental clarity.

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  • Saraswati
    Swami Satyananda “Yoga Nidra”


Yoga Nidra

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