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Yoga with cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is also called cervical spondylosis or herniated disc of the cervical spine.
If simple terms, it is damaged intervertebral discs in the neck. When the disc is damaged, the vertebrae begin to rub against each other and put pressure on the surrounding nerves. In severe cases, may move the bones – it is fraught with severe pain in the neck and head, the inability to turn the head, loss of sensation in the neck and weakness in the hands.

Treat cervical osteochondrosis can not only traditional methods, but also with the help of yoga asanas.
Start classes should be gradual, with one day a week, gradually going to the daily practice. In addition, it is recommended:

  • avoid shock loading on the spine (running, jumping), if you are over 25 years old;

  • take breaks during sedentary work at five minutes per hour;

  • use of a seat belt in the car.
    If you are not wearing, then after a sharp braking or impact body jerk forward stronger than the head, and the risk of damage to the neck will be much higher;

  • sleep solid mattress and pillow correct height: Neck flexion angle should not exceed 15 degrees;

  • hot shower every day at least 10 minutes or a sauna and steam bath: it will help to relieve spasms;

  • Regular walking or aerobic activity at a low pace.

Yoga with cervical osteochondrosis is aimed to achieve three main objectives:

  1. Muscle relaxation.
    During treatment, it will help relieve spasms, and the prevention removes muscle blocks.

  2. Strengthening the muscles of the neck, shoulders, chest and upper back.

  3. Extension of the spine.
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The complex asanas with cervical osteochondrosis

Utthita Trikonasana relieves tension from neck and back, eliminating the stoop, and strengthens leg muscles and opens the hips.

Parivritta Trikonasana tones the muscles of the back, eliminating the stoop, relieves spasms in the neck and back, and also strengthens the muscles of the calf and thigh muscles.

Vrikshasana tones the muscles of the neck and upper back, and strengthens leg muscles and develops the sense of balance.

Virabhadrasana I eliminates the stoop and relieves spasms in the shoulders, back, neck, and strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Virabhadrasana II relaxes back muscles and strengthens leg muscles and tones the abdominal organs.

Ardha Chandrasana tones the muscles of the lower back, and strengthens leg muscles and knee joints.

Parshvottanasana eliminates the stoop, develops spinal flexibility, and opens hips.

Shalabhasana good stretches the spine and helps to equalize the displacement of the intervertebral disc.

Bhudzhangasana opens the chest, pull the spine and helps to offset the intervertebral discs.

Based on materials jv.ru

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