Zen meditation. The basis for mindfulness training

Zen meditation. The basis for mindfulness training

Zen meditation is the perfect “art” to sit and feel. Wisdom and light for our day.


Essential to lay the foundation for a good practice mindfulness life . Zen meditation as a practice of harmonization, compassion and wisdom.


“Zen striking out” Robert Aitken Editorial Kolima


My whole life changed after reading “Zen archery” Eugen Herrigel in one copy of the editorial Kier gave me back in 1995 a friend who I consider my first teacher. It was my first contact with Zen meditation

Then came home the meditation cushion and zafutón and gradually were coming Alan Whats , Taisen Deshimaru , Barbara Kosen , Jack Kornfield, withdrawals Dokusho Villalba and Denko Mesa in the Temple Lus Serena , the emergence of the concept of mindfulness and Jon Kabat-Zinn , Christophe André , Ronald Siegel and so many others that are finding space in the library and in my heart of both practitioner and help me also in my work as a consultant in personal and professional development based on mindfulness.


zen meditation

Villalba Dokusho the Masters and the Temple Denko Mesa Serena Luz de Requena (Valencia)


It is said that “a book is the finger pointing to the moon but not the moon” and I’m going into the books to go approaching the moon and the new ones come to me, appears “undertaking the path of Zen” of Robert Aitken to continue speaking of zen meditation in a clear and concise manner.

The Editorial Kolima has published this book Aitken concerning the practice of Zen in the West, through which you can either begin to understand what the Zen and, of course , is the essential practice Zen meditation.

In just over 150 pages, Robert Aitken is able to condense affordably and smooth the essence of Zen meditation, practice and its forms.

So for those who want to start on the path of Zen, as those who have entered meditation through the practice of mindfulness or who want to delve further into their practice, this is a good example that you must have and read.

Carmen Monske, zen master , in the preface states that Zen meditation “is a path that transforms the character, which brings peace, care and compasió n” and “wants to lead us to our core, our deepest being, from which springs strength for everyday life. “


"Books are the finger pointing to the moon, but not the moon"

“Books are the finger pointing to the moon, but not the moon”


And that is the main path we will Robert Aitken pointing along each of the pages.

When you are in a meditation retreat last session of the day, before the extinction of lights, you feel all the movement of your breath in silence and sounding drum beats and the voice of a monk reciting that of “From the deepest heart I tell everyone that life and death are a serious matter. Everything happens quickly. Always be very vigilant, no one is neglected, no one forgets “ you realize the immense strength of the practice of Zen meditation.

Undoubtedly, this success of the Editorial Kolima to publish “striking out Zen” , you must use it to lay the foundations of your meditation practice and meeting with a way to be, be, do and have to change your life for the better as my zafu and my zafutón have changed mine.

The practice continues; It never ends.

Every morning, wherever I am, I hear the bell of awakening and each night the gong announcing the extinction of lights.

It is the way of Zen.

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