Healthy aging or how to age well and active

healthy aging or the Art of Aging

Speaking of healthy and Art of Aging aging, it may seem somewhat out of place in a time in which exalts the new, eternal youth and inflamed ego of believing permanent and unchanging, but the reality is that, like it or not, you get old; and that, if you do it carefully, can be a great stage in your own life.


And it is that healthy aging through the art of aging, is what speaks Wilhelm Schmid in “Sosiego. The Art of Aging “published in the prestigious Editorial Kairos.


“Quiet. The Art of Aging “Wilhelm Schmid Editorial Kairos

In just 100 pages they are enjoyed in a single sitting, Wilhelm Schmid , independent philosopher and Swiss prize Egner for his writings on the art of living, takes us by the hand to know and recognize the stages of life as atravesásemos a whole day .

A life in which healthy aging ends up being the art of peace from which to take in the present moment, enjoying the acceptance of the lightness of being higher. Because to be old need to know and do not turn away the time in which you dwell.

The book starts with a good statement: ” For a long time I imagine old age as a quiet life on a sunny terrace where you can contemplate the horizon, at peace with myself and the world. So far what I need is the terrace and rest “ to continue, throughout the book, telling the 10 steps to achieve serenity.

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Part Schmid of the idea that “serenity helps us become aware of the different stages of life and accept its quirks” and that healthy aging has become aware of the stages of life, at last, After all , it is the true art of growing old.

So, it divides one day into four quarters which are corresponding to each life stage and why everyone we passed. So the first quarter of life is the first thing in the morning when everything is done, then comes the second quarter arriving late morning and enter 30. “The third quarter of life offers years and decades that can be filled with activities and zest for life that causes consciousness to be reducing the prospects of life” and the fourth quarter would be from 75-80 years They are corresponding to dusk.

Different stages of one day to realize that you can have healthy aging in which “learning to be slower and distribute forces more efficiently and take more care.”

The book is a masterful custom and habit singing, but not confused with settling the “comfort zone” ; but it is rather to be aware at all times that habit and these habits in order to discover that that “in everyday life is extraordinary.”

In short, in the process of healthy aging and the art of aging in our life becomes with the passage of time, the author tells us that “to balance the potential drawbacks of aging, aging offers a lightness of being . Consciously you enjoy the pleasures and know happiness is the fourth step toward serenity. “

This is not a book just for older people, but I recommend it to all ages for the work of “self-administration” and also to help those who gird you about to start building their life day in the best way possible and learn and teach healthy aging

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Let me finish this invitation to reading this great book, with the author’s words in the last pages:

“I’ll go see the monkeys in the zoo and I will surprise you once again for what we look like and how small circumstantial differences have become very marked distinguishing features, especially the yearning to find the inner self that has launched humans to conquer the world and permanent willingness to discover new possibilities of life. “

I said. Sosiego here and now and for a healthy, even more aging.

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