Transcendental Meditation at home washing, ironing and cooking

If you are looking for is the practice of transcendental meditation, you’ve come to the right place. Just do not seek isolation in inhospitable places or rare levitation, or spend all day meditating facing the wall. Here we speak of transcendental meditation in your own home doing household chores. And remember that these chores are so sacred that they are equal for boys than for girls.

Transcendental Meditation with the “Manual cleaning of a Buddhist monk. Sweeping dust and clouds of the soul. ” Keisuke Matsumoto Duomo Ediciones

If you want to practice transcendental meditation and someone says, “How would you like to do house cleaning as Buddhist monks do ?. It is not difficult, on the contrary, is very funny. If you want to purify your soul without leaving home can do so by transforming housework into a spiritual exercise. “ The first thing you might think is that it is perfectly viable, but then you say that that is precisely the opposite of what you’re going to learn the lessons Keisuke Matsumoto gives you in this simple, beautiful as object and even, as you will see in the price, cheap book worth reading so that you become a true artist of transcendental meditation.

Keisuke Matsumoto is a monk of the temple Komyoji Tokyo. He graduated in philosophy from the University of Tokyo and an MBA from the Indian School of Business and introduced the entrepreneurial mindset in the Buddhist universe, but putting aimed not make money, but to gain happiness. (In this link you can see a video in Italian but it will not be difficult to understand)

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That’s exactly what you can get through reading and practice of his book. It is bringing the art of transcendental to the household tasks meditation; some tasks that normally take with negativity, which we usually do not give the importance they already have which tend to spend the shortest time possible.

With a simple expository clarity and great economy of words, Matsumoto directly goes “to the point” that from the beginning you will be encouraged to practice to build your own home a “temple” of happiness and serenity while removing dust the shelves, raisins brush, you leave the kitchen spotless or you order the closet. (Indeed, in another article and I also talked about how to practice meditation ordering your closets)

Besides learning how to clean the bathroom, how to do laundry. Cleaning the kitchen or how to clean the windows, the author also devotes part to grooming, and that the practice of transcendental meditation, we usually understand as a proper art of very special beings, actually is a matter of any human it boasts.

You know, if you follow the blog Plenacción that in the not talking about religion, but spirituality are two different things. Do not you think ?. What happens is that if someone is able to show us the other way from practicing their religion, to work on our own personal development, then so be it.

So I especially want to recommend reading this book in 150 pages that read in one sitting, you consider preparations and objects needed to begin the work of transcendental meditation at home, cleaning the bathroom, kitchen and personal effects, how clean the rooms, outdoor spaces, addressing how well your own personal hygiene and cleanliness of soul and what to do when cleaning ends.

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As you see, quite a simple manual transcendental meditation without leaving your own home and at a good price, contained in a good book, elaborately bound with simple illustrations of Kikue Tamura. Of these objects of worship, in this universe of bits, fancy having even if you have the path of detachment from the material and order of your day. At the end of the day, you know that I advocate other ways of being, having and doing.

You enjoy reading it as much as I have done and you enjoy housework as much as I do. At the end of the day , Transcendental Meditation is not just sitting every morning or every evening on a cushion and face the wall.

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